C/C++ Programming
C++ TutoralThe cplusplus.com TutorialC++ StringIntroduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++DJGPPStandard Templale LibraryMakefile Tutorial
Machine Learning Softwares
SVM Light - Support Vector Machine in C Source CodeLIBSVM - A C++ Library for SMO Support Vector Machines (Recommend)CVM Toolbox - A C++ Implementation of Core Vector Machines (Recommend for Massive Data-sets)UniverSVM - Transductive and sparse SVMs in C++SVM in the Primal - Direct Primal SVM SolverSVM-QP - Active Set QP solver for Large Scale SVM in Fortran 77Torch3 - Machine Learning Package in C++LASVM - Online SVM ImplementationMATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox SimpleSVM Toolbox - Invariant SVM ImplementationStatlearn ToolboxWeka 3 - Machine Learning Software in Java (Including SVM package)Bow - A Toolkit for Text Retrieval, Classification and ClusteringSeDuMi - A MATLAB Package for Semi-Definite ProgrammingSDPT3 - A MATLAB Package for Semi-Definite-Quadratic-Linear programmingOther Geometric Programming SoftwaresMosek - An Optimization Software Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MatlabNetlab - A Matlab Neural Network SoftwareDecision Tree - C4.5/C5.0Cover Tree - Fast Nearest Neighbor Search GSL - GNU Scientific LibraryNumerical Recipes in COther Software Packages for Kernel Machines
Machine Learning Journals
Journal of Machine Learning ResearchMachine LearningIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Neural ComputationNeural NetworksNeurocomputingJournal of the American Statistical AssociationAnnals of StatisticsData Mining and Knowledge Discovery IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning Benchmark Datasets
UCI Machine Learning Repository UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases ArchiveText DatasetsDatasets for SMODatasets for BoostingReuters-21578 DELVE Lufs Torgo - Regression Data SetsEachMovie collaborative filtering data setResources for Face Database The USC-SIPI Image DatabaseThe NORB Dataset, V1.0
Useful Courses and Links in Machine Learning
Machine Learning Summer School 2005 at ANUMachinel Learning Theory ForumInternational Machinel Learning SocietyMachinel Learning Conference InformationStatistical Learning Theory and Applications at MITFoundations of Machine Learning at PrincetonConvex Optimization with Engineering Applications at StanfordConic and Robust Optimization at Columbia Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: a Practical GuideTemplates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative MethodsRandomized AlgorithmsMatrix Reference ManualMathematical Programming at CornellDistribution Theory and Statistical Inference at UNEVirtual Laboratories in Probability and StatisticsMachine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw HillMessage Board on Kernel MachinesLearning with Kernels Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization and Beyond