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2007年度ACM/ICPC World Final 排名

Posted on 2007-03-30 18:56 oyjpart 阅读(2421) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用
2007年度ACM/ICPC World Final 排名

Rank Name Solved Time
1 Warsaw University 8 1405
2 Tsinghua University 7 1200
3 St. Petersburg University of IT, Mechanics and Optics 6 866
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6 866
5 Novosibirsk State University 6 868
6 Saratov State University 6 957
7 Twente University 6 1011
8 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 6 1026
9 University of Waterloo 6 1103
10 Moscow State University 6 1192
11 University of Auckland 6 1210
12 California Institute of Technology 6 1241
13 Petrozavodsk State University 6  
14 Kyoto University 5  
14 National Taiwan University 5  
14 Peking University 5  
14 Seoul National University 5  
14 Sharif University of Technology 5  
14 St. Petersburg State University 5  
14 Universidad de Buenos Aires 5  
14 University of Alberta 5  
14 University of British Columbia 5  
14 University of Science and Technology of China 5  
14 University of Texas at Dallas 5  
14 University of Toronto 5  
26 Amirkabir University of Technology 4  
26 Belarusian State University 4  
26 Fudan University 4  
26 Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz 4  
26 KTH - Royal Institute of Technology 4  
26 National Technical University of Ukraine  4  
26 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 4  
26 Stanford University 4  
26 Stavropol State University 4  
26 The University of Tokyo 4  
26 Universidade de S?o Paulo 4  
26 University of Cape Town 4  
26 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4  
26 University of Nebraska - Lincoln 4  
26 University of Wroclaw 4  
26 Ural State University 4  
26 Vologda State Pedagogical University 4  
26 Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University 4
44 Bina Nusantara University 3  
44 Carnegie Mellon University 3  
44 College of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 3  
44 Cornell University 3  
44 Duke University 3  
44 East China University of Science & Technology 3  
44 Hefei University of Technology 3  
44 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 3  
44 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3  
44 National University of Defense Technology 3  
44 Orel State Technical University 3  
44 Saitama University 3  
44 Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado 3  
44 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 3  
44 University of Adelaide 3  
44 University of Bucharest 3  
44 University of Central Florida 3  
44 University of New South Wales 3  
44 Xiamen University 3  
44 Xidian University 3  
44 Zhejiang University 3

国防科大第一次进入世界总决赛 拿到了并列第44名的好成绩!祝贺!
ECUST华东理工第二次进入世界总决赛 RedField的传奇会一直延续下去!


# re: 2007年度ACM/ICPC World Final 排名 [未登录]  回复  更多评论   

2007-10-05 13:28 by zzz

# re: 2007年度ACM/ICPC World Final 排名   回复  更多评论   

2007-10-07 22:59 by oyjpart
solved problems

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