# re: 今天发现 EnterCriticalSection 里头还是调用了 WaitForSingleObject[未登录] 回复 更多评论
2009-07-22 11:19 by
# re: 今天发现 EnterCriticalSection 里头还是调用了 WaitForSingleObject 回复 更多评论
2009-07-22 11:52 by
page , 132
subttl "RtlEnterCriticalSection"
; RtlEnterCriticalSection(
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function enters a critical section.
; Arguments:
; CriticalSection - supplies a pointer to a critical section.
; Return Value:
; STATUS_SUCCESS or raises an exception if an error occured.
align 16
cPublicProc _RtlEnterCriticalSection,1
cPublicFpo 1,0
mov ecx,fs:PcTeb ; get current TEB address
mov edx,CriticalSection ; get address of critical section
cmp CsSpinCount[edx],0 ; check if spin count is zero
jne short Ent40 ; if ne, spin count specified
; Attempt to acquire critical section.
Lock1: ;
lock inc dword ptr CsLockCount[edx] ; increment lock count
jnz short Ent20 ; if nz, already owned
; Set critical section owner and initialize recursion count.
if DBG
cmp CsOwningThread[edx],0
je @F
stdCall _RtlpCriticalSectionIsOwned, <edx>
mov ecx,fs:PcTeb ; get current TEB address
mov edx,CriticalSection ; get address of critical section
endif ; DBG
mov eax,TbClientId + 4[ecx] ; get current client ID
mov CsOwningThread[edx],eax ; set critical section owner
mov dword ptr CsRecursionCount[edx],1 ; set recursion count
if DBG
inc dword ptr TbCountOfOwnedCriticalSections[ecx] ; increment owned count
mov eax,CsDebugInfo[edx] ; get debug information address
inc dword ptr CsEntryCount[eax] ; increment entry count
endif ; DBG
xor eax,eax ; set success status
stdRET _RtlEnterCriticalSection
; The critical section is already owned, but may be owned by the current thread.
align 16
Ent20: mov eax,TbClientId + 4[ecx] ; get current client ID
cmp CsOwningThread[edx],eax ; check if current thread is owner
jne short Ent30 ; if ne, current thread not owner
inc dword ptr CsRecursionCount[edx] ; increment recursion count
if DBG
mov eax,CsDebugInfo[edx] ; get debug information address
inc dword ptr CsEntryCount[eax] ; increment entry count
endif ; DBG
xor eax,eax ; set success status
stdRET _RtlEnterCriticalSection
; The critcal section is owned by another thread and the current thread must
; wait for ownership.
Ent30: stdCall _RtlpWaitForCriticalSection, <edx> ; wait for ownership
mov ecx,fs:PcTeb ; get current TEB address
mov edx,CriticalSection ; get address of critical section
jmp Ent10 ; set owner and recursion count
; A nonzero spin count is specified.
align 16
Ent40: mov eax,TbClientId + 4[ecx] ; get current client ID
cmp CsOwningThread[edx],eax ; check if current thread is owner
jne short Ent50 ; if ne, current thread not owner
; The critical section is owned by the current thread. Increment the lock
; count and the recursion count.
Lock6: ;
lock inc dword ptr CsLockCount[edx] ; increment lock count
inc dword ptr CsRecursionCount[edx] ; increment recursion count
if DBG
mov eax,CsDebugInfo[edx] ; get debug information address
inc dword ptr CsEntryCount[eax] ; increment entry count
endif ; DBG
xor eax,eax ; set success status
stdRET _RtlEnterCriticalSection
; A nonzero spin count is specified and the current thread is not the owner.
align 16
Ent50: push CsSpinCount[edx] ; get spin count value
Ent60: mov eax,-1 ; set comparand value
mov ecx,0 ; set exchange value
lock cmpxchg dword ptr CsLockCount[edx],ecx ; attempt to acquire critical section
jnz short Ent70 ; if nz, critical section not acquired
; The critical section has been acquired. Set the owning thread and the initial
; recursion count.
add esp,4 ; remove spin count from stack
mov ecx,fs:PcTeb ; get current TEB address
mov eax,TbClientId + 4[ecx] ; get current client ID
mov CsOwningThread[edx],eax ; set critical section owner
mov dword ptr CsRecursionCount[edx],1 ; set recursion count
if DBG
inc dword ptr TbCountOfOwnedCriticalSections[ecx] ; increment owned count
mov eax,CsDebugInfo[edx] ; get debug information address
inc dword ptr CsEntryCount[eax] ; increment entry count
endif ; DBG
xor eax,eax ; set success status
stdRET _RtlEnterCriticalSection
; The critical section is currently owned. Spin until it is either unowned
; or the spin count has reached zero.
; If waiters are present, don't spin on the lock since we will never see it go free
Ent70: cmp CsLockCount[edx],1 ; check if waiters are present,
jge short Ent76 ; if ge 1, then do not spin
Ent75: YIELD
cmp CsLockCount[edx],-1 ; check if lock is owned
je short Ent60 ; if e, lock is not owned
dec dword ptr [esp] ; decrement spin count
jnz short Ent75 ; if nz, continue spinning
Ent76: add esp,4 ; remove spin count from stack
mov ecx,fs:PcTeb ; get current TEB address
jmp Lock1 ;
stdENDP _RtlEnterCriticalSection
# re: 今天发现 EnterCriticalSection 里头还是调用了 WaitForSingleObject 回复 更多评论
2009-07-22 18:54 by
新的SDk EnterCriticalSection在多核的机器上会首先有个自选量,之后才等待挂起。反正MS也没公布EnterCriticalSection的实现细节,现在调用了,没准以后又不用WaitForSingleObject实现了
# re: 今天发现 EnterCriticalSection 里头还是调用了 WaitForSingleObject 回复 更多评论
2009-07-23 06:00 by
x^n+y^n=z^n,(x,y,z,n为有理数,n>2的正整数)要有解则条件...均为有理数为充要条件。这样求解范围可在整个复数中进行。 关于如何可在复数去推行 可由n个公式共同来推导。 最简单的推导是最难证明的 以前理解了1+0=1 现在明白了0+0=0 要证明更困难了 手机:13567398633