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Posted on 2010-08-19 17:16 S.l.e!ep.¢% 阅读(4261) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: VC
2008-09-16 10:07


软件生活 AppLife.Net





软件生活 AppLife.Net



软件生活 AppLife.Net


软件生活 AppLife.Net

原理应该是插入一个线程到应用程序的进程中进行控制,官方要求必须安装了DirectX 8或DirectX 9才行。



IndieVolume is a supplement to Windows Volume Control that dramatically improves the way Windows applications sound.

IndieVolume is for experienced Windows users dreaming about those handy features Windows Volume Control is lacking for years - per-application volume, per-application balance and mute, support of FX, support of multiple audio devices. IndieVolume has all that functionality. With IndieVolume you get the most out of your audio.

IndieVolume allows every application have separate volume level, independent of other applications volume level. For example, you are listening to the music, and suddenly some application LOUDLY shouts or dings. With IndieVolume you just configure shouting application to sound at different (lower) volume compared with the volume at which player application is playing music.

IndieVolume also supports per-application balance and mute. For example, you have occasionally visited one of that websites, that play horrible sounds in the background. Using IndieVolume you can just mute web browser not to output any sound at all. Or you like to play flash games and would like to control volume level. IndieVolume can do that as well.

IndieVolume is extremely useful for VoIP applications. When application marked as "exclusive" plays a sound, IndieVolume automatically mutes all other applications. For example, you are having business chat in Skype or GoogleTalk, and suddenly some application plays a sound. With IndieVolume, you can mark Skype/GoogleTalk as "exclusive", so none application would sound during your Skype/GoogleTalk calls.

IndieVolume allows per-application selection of playback device. For example, if you have built-in sound card and SoundBlaster as second sound card, or USB/Bluetooth headset, you can configure certain applications play on built-in sound card, and others play on SoundBlaster or USB headset, fully employing your audio hardware.

IndieVolume supports per-application FX audio effects. If you do not have SoundBlaster, you can enrich application sounds by applying fancy FX effects, likewise I3DL2 Reverb, Waves Reverb, Chorus, Compressor, Distortion, Flanger, Gargle, etc. IndieVolume comes preconfigured with over 50 FX presets, similar to SoundBlaster ones -- IndieVolume can be treated as software replacement for SoundBlaster.

Finally, unique functionality of IndieVolume, coupled with great programming and great support we offer, make IndieVolume number 1 Windows enhacement you should have.




# re: xp下使用vista音量合成器  回复  更多评论   

2011-04-27 19:27 by 杜翠丽

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