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The secret life of GetWindowText

Posted on 2010-01-02 23:48 S.l.e!ep.¢% 阅读(1419) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: English


The secret life of GetWindowText

GetWindowText 的秘密生活

GetWindowText 的秘密

GetWindowText() is more complicated than you think. The documentation tries to explain its complexity with small words, which is great if you don't understand long words, but it also means that you're not getting the full story.

GetWindowText() 比你想象中的还在复杂. 相关的文档尝试用少量的词解释它的复杂性,这比用大量你不懂的词要好得多,

GetWindowText() 函数远比你想象中的要复杂.GetWindowText函数帮助文档中试图通过简短的文字来解释这个函数的复杂性,如果你无法理解一些长篇大论的文字,那么这种做法无疑是很好的,但简短的文字同样意味着整个内容会变得晦涩难懂。

Here's an attempt to give the full story.


下面,我们就来讲述 GetWindowText函数的完整内容。

How windows manage their text

Window 如何管理它们的文字


There are two ways window classes can manage their text. They can either do it manually or they can let the system do it. The default is to let the system do it.



If a window class lets the system manage its text, the system will do the following:

如果一个 窗体类让系统管理它的文字,系统将做以下这些:


  • Default handling of the WM_NCCREATE message takes the lpWindowName parameter passed to CreateWindow/Ex and saves it in a "special place".

WM_NCCREATE 消息的默认处理函数将lpWindowName 参数传给 CreateWindow/Ex 并且将它保存在 特殊的地方

WM_NCCREATE消息进行默认的处理:将传递给CreateWindow/Ex 函数的参数 lpWindowName提出出来, 并将这个字符串保存在某个“特殊位置”

  • Default handling of the WM_GETTEXT message retrieves the string from that "special place".

WM_GETTEXT 默认的处理函数从“特殊的地方”获取字符串


  • Default handling of the WM_SETTEXT message copies the string to that "special place".

WM_SETTEXT 消息的默认处理函数复制字符串到“特殊的地方”


On the other hand, if a window class manages its window text manually, the system will not do any special handling, and it is the window class's responsibility to respond to the WM_GETTEXT/WM_SETTEXT messages and return/save the strings explicitly.

另一方面, 如果一个 窗体类手工管理它的窗体文本,系统将不会做任何特殊处理,(不懂翻译)


Frame windows typically let the system manage their window text. Custom controls typically manage their window text manually.


框加窗口(Frame Windows)通常由系统来管理窗口中的文本,而自定义控制通常由它们自己来管理窗口中的文本


GetWindowText has a problem: Window text needs to be readily available without hanging. FindWindow() needs to get window text in order to find a window. Task-switching applications need to get window text so they can display the window title in the switcher window. It should not be possible for a hung application to clog up other applications. This is particularly true of the task switcher scenario.

GetWindowText 存在一个问题:窗体文本需要不会被挂住随时都可以获取.


FindWindow() 需要通过获取窗体文本来找到一个窗体

FindWindow 函数需要通过窗口文本来查找窗口

任务切换的各个应用程序 需要获取窗体文本,因为它们要显示被切换的窗体文本




This argues against sending WM_GETTEXT messages , because the target window of the WM_GETTEXT might be hung. Instead, GetWindowText should use the "special place" since that cannot be affected by hung applications.

在发送 WM_GETTEXT消息的情况下有争议,因为目标窗体的 WM_GETEXT可能被阻塞住. 或者,GetWindowText 能使用“特殊的地方”而不受阻塞着的应用程序的影响.


On the other hand, GetWindowText is used to retrieve text from controls on a dialog, and those controls frequently employ custom text management. This argues for sending WM_GETTEXT messages, because that is the only way to retrieve custom-managed text.

另一方面,GetWindowText 习惯于从对话框的控制中获取文本.而且这些控件通常采用自己的文本管理.




So GetWindowText strikes a compromise.

所以 GetWindowText采用折衷方案

于是,在 GetWindowText 函数中采取了一种折中的方法

  • If you are trying to GetWindowText() from a window in your own process, then GetWindowText() will send the WM_GETTEXT message.
  • If you are trying to GetWindowText() from a window in another process, then GetWindowText() will use the string from the "special place" and not send a message.

如果你尝试从一个你自已的进程的窗体 GetWindowText() ,那么 GetWindowsText() 将发送一个 WM_GETTEXT 消息

如果是同一进程的窗口中得到窗口文本,那么GetWindowText() 将发送 WM_GETTEXT 消息

如果你尝从其它进程的窗体 GetWindowsText(), 那么GetWindowText将从特殊地方使用字符串,而不会发送消息


According to the first rule, if you are trying to get text from a window in your own process, and the window is hung, then GetWindowText() will also hang. But since the window belongs to your process, it's your own fault and you deserve to lose. Sending the WM_GETTEXT message ensures that text from windows that do custom text management (typically, custom controls) are properly retrieved.

根据第一条规则,如果你在自己的进程中尝试从窗体获取文件,那么窗体将阻塞,然而 GetWindowText() 也将阻塞. (不懂翻译).发送WM_TEXT消息保证窗体的文本执行自定义的文本管理(通常是自定义控件)将适当地恢复

根据第一条规则,如果你想要获取自己进程中的窗口文本,而这个窗口被挂起了,那么 GetWindowText 也会被挂起,不过因为这个窗体属于你的进程,所以函数挂起是你自己犯的错误,并且你应该为此负责。发送WM_GETTEXT消息将确保我们能够正确地得到那么使用自定义文本管理方式的文本

According to the second rule, if you are trying to get text from a window in another process, then GetWindowText() will not send a message; it will just retrieve the string from the "special place". Since the most common reason for getting text from a window in another process is to get the title of the frame, and since frame windows typically do not do custom window text manipulation, this usually gets the right string.

根据第二条规则, 如果你尝试从其它进程获取窗体文本, GetWindowText() 就不会发送消息; 它只是从“特殊的地方”取回字符串.从另一进程获取文本很多情况下是从框架获取标题,(不懂翻译)

根据第二条规则,如果想要获得另一进程中的窗口文本,那么 GetWindowText() 将不会发送消息,而只是从“特殊位置”上获取字符串,通常使用最多的方式是获取另一个进程的框架窗口文本,而在框架窗体中一般不会使用自定义的窗口文本管理方式,因此往往能够获取到正确的字符串。

The documentation simplifies this as "GetWindowText() cannot retrieve text from a window from another application."

文档简单的认为 GetWindowText 不能从另一应用程序获取文本


What if I don't like these rules?

( 不懂翻译)



If the second rule bothers you because you need to get text from a custom control in another process, then you can send the WM_GETTEXT message manually. Since you are not using GetWindowText(), you are not subject to its rules.


然而你可以手工发送 WM_GETTEXT 消息,因为你不调用 GetWindowText() ,所以你不需要受它的规则约束。

如果你不喜欢第二条规则,例如希望得到另一进程中自定义控件的文本,那么可以自己发送WM_GETTEXT消息。此时,由于没有使用 GetWindowText() 函数,因此就不受这条规则的约束。

Note, however, that if the target window is hung, your application will also hang since SendMessage() will not return until the target window responds.

注:然后,如果目标窗体阻塞,你的应用程序从调用 SendMessage() 开始也会阻塞不会返回,直到目标窗体响应。


Note also that since WM_GETTEXT is in the system message range (0 to WM_USER-1), you do not need to do any parameter marshalling (and in fact, you shouldn't). USER will do the marshalling for you.

同样需要注意的是,因为 WM_GETTEXT 是在系统消息范围之内,因此像把当前进程的缓冲区传送到目标进程以及从目标进程将结果字符串返回到当前进程中等这些操作(这个过程也被称为列集(marshalling),就不需要你自己进行特殊的处理。事实上,无认你采取什么样的特殊处理,最终都是错误的,窗体管理器将自动将为你完成列集操作。

Can you give an example where this makes a difference?


Consider this control: 考虑下面这个控件



    case WM_GETTEXT:

        lstrcpyn((LPTSTR)lParam, "Booga!", (int)wParam);

        return lstrlen((LPTSTR)lParam);

    case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: return 7; // lstrlen("Booga!") + null




Now consider application A that does

hwnd = CreateWindow("Sample", "Frappy", ...);


Now consider process B that gets the handle to the window created by application A (by whatever means).

TCHAR szBuf[80];

GetWindowText(hwnd, szBuf, 80);

上面这段代码将会返回 szbuf=”Frappy”,因为这是从“特殊位置”上获得窗口文本,然面,下面的代码

This will return szBuf = "Frappy" because it is getting the window text from the "special place". However,

SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, 80, (LPARAM)szBuf);

将返回szBuf = "Booga!"

will return szBuf = "Booga!"

Published Thursday, August 21, 2003 9:30 AM by oldnewthing

Filed under: Code



# re: The secret life of GetWindowText  回复  更多评论   

2014-02-16 14:17 by allen
GetWindowText自己进程的窗口会hang住,这个你是怎么解决的 ? 自己去相应WM_GETTEXT吗?那如果GetWindowText是在一个dll中执行且这个dll是被注入到该进程的会怎样呢?
thx !

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