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  1 # -*- coding: gb2312 -*-
  3 '''
  4 summary:    
  5     1.6466磁带库报警处理
  6     2.AWS报警处理
  7     传输接口:    smtp
  8     过滤邮件内容,生成事件到ovo
  9 author :    zhangbin
 10 date:        2006.03.04
 11 company:
 12 '''
 15 import os
 16 import sys
 17 import socket
 18 import time
 19 import poplib
 20 import base64
 21 import string
 22 import re
 23 from conf import *
 27 aws_field_map={'Information':'normal',
 28             'Warning':'warning',
 29             'Degraded':'major',
 30             'Critical':'critical',
 31             'Fatal':'critical'
 32             }
 33 ME='szmail'
 34 this = modlist[ME]
 36 host=this['host']
 37 user=this['user']
 38 passwd =this['passwd']
 41 def Print(msg):
 42     lp(ME,msg)
 45 def process_AWS(title,msg):
 46     try:
 47         app='AWS'
 48         node=''
 49         obj=''
 50         severity=''
 51         msg_text=''
 53         print '>>>',msg
 54         title.index('CSF Fault Detected')
 55         lines = msg.split('\n')
 57         for l in lines:
 58             r = re.match('.*Fault id.*?:\s*(.*)/(.*)',l)
 59             if r:
 60                 node =
 61                 obj =
 62                 continue
 63             r = re.match('.*Severity.*?:\s*(\w+)',l)
 64             if r:
 65                 f=
 66                 if aws_field_map.has_key(f):
 67                     severity = aws_field_map[f]
 68                 continue
 69             r =  re.match('.*Synopsis.*?:\s*([\w|\s]+)',l)
 70             if r :
 72         cmd = "opcmsg app=AWS "
 73         if node:
 74             cmd = cmd+ " node=%s "%node
 75         if obj:
 76             cmd = cmd+ " obj=%s "%obj
 77         if severity:
 78             cmd= cmd + " severity=%s "%severity
 79         if msg_text:
 80             cmd = cmd + ' msg_text="%s" '%msg_text
 81         print "execute command:%s"%cmd
 82     except:
 83         return False
 84     return True
 88 def process_TAPE(title,msg):
 89     ''' for 6466 tape monitor '''
 92 def mail_sender(body):
 93     pass
 95 def mail_hdr_section(section,body):    
 96     title=''
 97     try:
 98         n = body.index('')
 99         for i in range(n):
100             try:
101                 occ = body[i].index(section+':')
102                 title= body[i][ (occ+len(section+':')):]
103             except:
104                 continue
105     except:
106         pass
107     return title
109 def mail_context(encode,body):
110     ''' extract mail body text from string-list
111         multiple charset will be encoded to base64,but plain text will not
112     '''
113     context =''
114     try:
115         n = body.index('')
116         lines = body[n:]
117         if encode.find('base64'>= 0 :
118             context = base64.decodestring(context)
119         else :
120             context = string.join(lines,'\n'#maybe 7bit
121     except:
122         pass
123     return context
125 def process(c,m):
126     ''' c    -- mail number,
127         m    -- mail object
128         提取邮件标题和邮件内容
129     '''
130     for i in range(1):
131         print ">>>>Process %d"%(i+1)
132         list = m.retr(i+1)
133         title = mail_hdr_section('Subject',list[1])
134         encode = mail_hdr_section('Content-Transfer-Encoding',list[1])
135         print list[1]
136         context = mail_context(encode.strip(),list[1])
137         if not process_AWS(title,context):
138             process_TAPE(title,context)
139         #m.dele(i+1)
141 def main_entry():
142     Print('OK+,%s start up!'%ME)
143     while True:
144         try:
145             m = poplib.POP3(host)
146             m.user(user)
147             m.pass_(passwd)
148             c = m.stat()[0]
149             if  c :
150                 print ">> Detected %s Letters!"%(c)
151                 process(c,m)
152             m.quit()
153         except:
154             pass
155         time.sleep(this['wait'])    
157 if __name__=='__main__':
158     main_entry()

posted on 2009-11-15 18:07 放屁阿狗 阅读(2876) 评论(16)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: unix/linux/solaris/sco-unix/novell


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