1、第一步当然是先下载源码了,下载地址:http://www.ijg.org/2、解压后所有的东西都在一个文件夹里了,如果有耐心可以看一下自带的说明文档(install.txt)3、其中有一段在vs2010下的说明==================================================================Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Developer Studio (v10):
We include makefiles that should work as project files in Visual Studio2010 or later. There is a library makefile that builds the IJG libraryas a static Win32 library, and application makefiles that build the sample applications as Win32 console applications. (Even if you only want thelibrary, we recommend building the applications so that you can run the self-test.)
To use:1. Open the command prompt, change to the main directory and execute the command line
This will move jconfig.vc to jconfig.h and makefiles to project files. (Note that the renaming is critical!)2. Open the solution file jpeg.sln, build the library project. (If you are using Visual Studio more recent than 2010 (v10), you'll probably get a message saying that the project files are being updated.)3. Open the solution file apps.sln, build the application projects.4. To perform the self-test, execute the command line
5. Move the application .exe files from `app`\Release to an appropriate location on your path.
Note:There seems to be an optimization bug in the compiler which causes the self-test to fail with the color quantization option.We have disabled optimization for the file jquant2.c in the library project file which causes the self-test to pass properly.
posted on 2010-10-13 17:03 Stone xin 阅读(6364) 评论(4) 编辑 收藏 引用
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