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安装Demeter Terrain Engine


Author: Jing Li
Updated time: 11-12-2003

Demeter Terrain Engine Installation 

Demeter (http://www.terrainengine.com) is an open-source C++ libraray rendering terrain using OpenGL. It can be used in any application visualizing a terrain.

I am trying to do some work on the camera used in Demeter sample applicaiton. First I need to get its sample application run, and then modify the source code

1. Running Demeter sample applications

Step 1. Download DemeterSampleData, DemeterWin32DependenciesVisualStudio2003 and Demeter source from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=27668;

Step 2. Copy all dll files under ...\DemeterWin32DependenciesVisualStudio2003\bin folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32.

Step 3. Tell the MSVC .Net 2003 the directories that hold the Demeter include header files andlibrary files. Go to Tools, Options, Projects. Select VC++ Directories, Under the list for Include files add: “...\DemeterWin32DependenciesVisualStudio2003\include”; Under the list for Library files add: “...\DemeterWin32DependenciesVisualStudio2003\lib”.

Step 4. Copy whole data folder DemeterSampleData-3.20 to Demeter source folder (...\demeter-3.20\) in case the sample application can find the data path.

Step 5. Open Demeter.sln under ...\demeter-3.20\VisualStudio folder. After building Demeter project, there are two new created folders bin and lib under ...\demeter-3.20. The bin floder holds DemeterDebug.dll, and the lib folder holds DemeterDebug.lib.

Step 6. Now you can build any applications in the Demeter solution. The executable files are put in ...\demeter-3.20\bin. Then goto the bin folder, and run the applications.

Here is the SampleDemeterApplication's screenshot.


posted on 2007-04-11 09:15 杨粼波 阅读(1004) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用


# re: 安装Demeter Terrain Engine 2008-11-18 00:41 slime

不知道这个引擎的最新版本是基于OSG什么版本写的,thanks for sharing  回复  更多评论   

# re: 安装Demeter Terrain Engine 2008-11-18 15:13 slime

请问为什么我下载的4.0版本没有lib文件。  回复  更多评论   

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