DataStreamPtr FileSystemArchive::open(const String& filename) const

String full_path = concatenate_path(mName, filename);

// Use filesystem to determine size
// (quicker than streaming to the end and back)
struct stat tagStat;
int ret = stat(full_path.c_str(), &tagStat);
assert(ret == 0 && "Problem getting file size" );

// Always open in binary mode
static std::vector<wchar_t> s_wchar_buf((size_t)128);
size_t lengthUnicode = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, full_path.c_str(), full_path.size(), NULL, 0);
if (s_wchar_buf.size() < lengthUnicode + 1)

s_wchar_buf.resize(lengthUnicode * 2);
wchar_t* szUnicode = &s_wchar_buf[0];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, full_path.c_str(), full_path.size(), szUnicode, lengthUnicode);
szUnicode[lengthUnicode] = 0;
std::ifstream* origStream = new std::ifstream();
origStream->open(szUnicode, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

// Should check ensure open succeeded, in case fail for some reason.
if (origStream->fail())

delete origStream;
"Cannot open file: " + filename,

/**//// Construct return stream, tell it to delete on destroy
FileStreamDataStream* stream = new FileStreamDataStream(filename,
origStream, tagStat.st_size, true);
return DataStreamPtr(stream);