来源:http://portableapps.com/node/12561下载http://zer0dev.com/dld/download.php?id=27头文件使用:1. !include "ProcFunc.nsh"2. 可使用范围:$var为返回值[Section|Function]${ProcFunction} "参数1" "参数2" "..." $var[SectionEnd|FunctionEnd]${ProcessExists} "[process]" "[process]" ; Name or PID Use with a LogicLib conditional command like If or Unless. Evaluates to true if the process exists or false if it does not or the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot fails.${GetProcessPID} "[process]" $var "[process]" ; Name or PID $var(output) ; -2 - CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed ; 0 - process does not exist ; >0 - PID${GetProcessPath} "[process]" $var "[process]" ; Name or PID $var(output) ; -2 - CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed ; -1 - OpenProcess failed ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or path to process${GetProcessParent} "[process]" $var "[process]" ; Name or PID $var(output) ; -2 - CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or PPID${GetProcessName} "[PID]" $var "[PID]" ; PID $var(output) ; -2 - CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or process name${EnumProcessPaths} "Function" $var "Function" ; Callback function $var(output) ; -2 - EnumProcesses failed ; 1 - success Function "Function" Pop $var1 ; matching path string Pop $var2 ; matching process PID ...user commands Push [1/0] ; must return 1 on the stack to continue ; must return some value or corrupt the stack ; DO NOT save data in $0-$9 FunctionEnd${ProcessWait} "[process]" "[timeout]" $var "[process]" ; Name "[timeout]" ; -1 - do not timeout ; >0 - timeout in milliseconds $var(output) ; -2 - CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed ; -1 - operation timed out ; Or PID${ProcessWait2} "[process]" "[timeout]" $var "[process]" ; Name "[timeout]" ; -1 - do not timeout ; >0 - timeout in milliseconds $var(output) ; -1 - operation timed out ; Or PID${ProcessWaitClose} "[process]" "[timeout]" $var "[process]" ; Name "[timeout]" ; -1 - do not timeout ; >0 - timeout in milliseconds $var(output) ; -1 - operation timed out ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or PID of ended process${CloseProcess} "[process]" $var "[process]" ; Name or PID $var(output) ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or PID of ended process${TerminateProcess} "[process]" $var "[process]" ; Name or PID $var(output) ; -1 - operation failed ; 0 - process does not exist ; Or PID of ended process${Execute} "[command]" "[working_dir]" $var "[command]" ; '"X:\path\to\prog.exe" arg1 arg2 "arg3 with space"' "[working_dir]" ; Working directory ("X:\path\to\dir") or nothing ("") $var(output) ; 0 - failed to create process ; Or PID*/本文转自:http://www.dreams8.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17067&fromuid=1
posted on 2012-10-18 14:09
王海光 阅读(856)
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