路径信息 bocks[] triplets[]
Client ------------》INode---------------------》BlockInfo --------------------------》DataNode。
BlockInfo: 文件内容对象
3 、 FSImage和edits的checkPoint。FSImage有2个状态,分别是FsImage和FsImage.ckpt,后者表示正在checkpoint的过程中,上传后将会修改为FSImage文件,同理edits也有两个状态,edits和edits.new。
4、NameNode format情景分析:
- 遍历元数据存储目录,提示用户是否格式化?(NameNode.java里format函数)
- private static boolean format( Configuration conf ,
- boolean isConfirmationNeeded )
- throws IOException {
- Collection<URI > dirsToFormat = FSNamesystem. getNamespaceDirs(conf );
- Collection<URI > editDirsToFormat =
- FSNamesystem .getNamespaceEditsDirs (conf );
- for( Iterator< URI> it = dirsToFormat.iterator (); it. hasNext() ;) {
- File curDir = new File (it .next (). getPath()) ;
- if (! curDir. exists())
- continue;
- if (isConfirmationNeeded ) {
- System .err .print ("Re-format filesystem in " + curDir + " ? (Y or N) ");
- if (! (System .in .read () == 'Y')) {
- System .err .println ("Format aborted in " + curDir );
- return true ;
- }
- while(System .in .read () != '\n') ; // discard the enter-key
- }
- }
- FSNamesystem nsys = new FSNamesystem (new FSImage(dirsToFormat ,
- editDirsToFormat ), conf) ;
- nsys.dir.fsImage .format ();
- return false;
- }
- 创建元数据内存镜像,包括类FSNamesystem实例化对象,类FSDirectory实例化对象,类FSImage对象,类Edits对象。创建FsNameSystem对象主要完成:BlockManager,FSDirectory对象以及初始化成员变量。FSImage对象主要完成对layoutVersion、namespaceID,CTime赋值为0,实例化FSEditLog。在类FSDirectory,创建了HDFS根目录节点rootDir。
- FSNamesystem( FSImage fsImage, Configuration conf ) throws IOException {
- this. blockManager = new BlockManager (this, conf) ;
- setConfigurationParameters (conf );
- this. dir = new FSDirectory(fsImage , this, conf );
- dtSecretManager = createDelegationTokenSecretManager (conf );
- }
- FSImage( Collection< URI> fsDirs , Collection< URI> fsEditsDirs )
- throws IOException {
- this() ;
- setStorageDirectories( fsDirs, fsEditsDirs );
- }
- void setStorageDirectories(Collection <URI > fsNameDirs,
- Collection< URI> fsEditsDirs ) throws IOException {
- this. storageDirs = new ArrayList <StorageDirectory >() ;
- this. removedStorageDirs = new ArrayList <StorageDirectory >() ;
- // Add all name dirs with appropriate NameNodeDirType
- for (URI dirName : fsNameDirs ) {
- checkSchemeConsistency (dirName );
- boolean isAlsoEdits = false;
- for (URI editsDirName : fsEditsDirs) {
- if (editsDirName .compareTo (dirName ) == 0) {
- isAlsoEdits = true;
- fsEditsDirs .remove (editsDirName );
- break;
- }
- }
- NameNodeDirType dirType = (isAlsoEdits ) ?
- NameNodeDirType .IMAGE_AND_EDITS :
- NameNodeDirType .IMAGE ;
- // Add to the list of storage directories, only if the
- // URI is of type file://
- if(dirName .getScheme (). compareTo( JournalType.FILE .name (). toLowerCase())
- == 0){
- this.addStorageDir (new StorageDirectory(new File(dirName. getPath()) ,
- dirType ));
- }
- }
- // Add edits dirs if they are different from name dirs
- for (URI dirName : fsEditsDirs ) {
- checkSchemeConsistency (dirName );
- // Add to the list of storage directories, only if the
- // URI is of type file://
- if(dirName .getScheme (). compareTo( JournalType.FILE .name (). toLowerCase())
- == 0)
- this.addStorageDir (new StorageDirectory(new File(dirName. getPath()) ,
- NameNodeDirType .EDITS ));
- }
- }
- 对内存镜像数据中的数据结构进行初始化:主要有FSImage的format函数完成,layoutVersion:软件所处的版本。namespaceID:在Format时候产生,当data node注册到Name Node后,会获得该NameNode的NameSpaceID,并作为后续与NameNode通讯的身份标识。对于未知身份的Data Node,NameNode拒绝通信。CTime:表示FSimage产生的时间。checkpointTime:表示NameSpace第一次checkpoint的时间。
- public void format () throws IOException {
- this. layoutVersion = FSConstants .LAYOUT_VERSION ;
- this. namespaceID = newNamespaceID ();
- this. cTime = 0L ;
- this. checkpointTime = FSNamesystem .now ();
- for (Iterator <StorageDirectory > it =
- dirIterator (); it. hasNext() ;) {
- StorageDirectory sd = it .next ();
- format (sd );
- }
- }
- 对内存镜像写入元数据备份目录。FSImage的format方法会遍历所有的目录进行备份。如果是FSImage的文件目录,则调用saveFSImage保存FSImage,如果是Edits,则调用editLog.createEditLogFile,最后调用sd.write方法创建fstime和VERSION文件。VERSION文件通常最后写入。
- void format(StorageDirectory sd ) throws IOException {
- sd.clearDirectory (); // create currrent dir
- sd.lock ();
- try {
- saveCurrent (sd );
- } finally {
- sd .unlock ();
- }
- LOG.info ("Storage directory " + sd. getRoot()
- + " has been successfully formatted.");
- }
posted on 2013-05-24 15:18
王海光 阅读(1012)
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