static LRESULT CALLBACK StartWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CContainedWindowT< TBase >* pThis = (CContainedWindowT< TBase >*)_Module.ExtractCreateWndData(); ATLASSERT(pThis != NULL); pThis->m_hWnd = hWnd; pThis->m_thunk.Init(WindowProc, pThis); WNDPROC pProc = (WNDPROC)&(pThis->m_thunk.thunk); WNDPROC pOldProc = (WNDPROC)::SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)pProc);#ifdef _DEBUG // check if somebody has subclassed us already since we discard it
if(pOldProc != StartWindowProc) ATLTRACE2(atlTraceWindowing, 0, _T("Subclassing through a hook discarded.\n"));#else pOldProc; // avoid unused warning
#endif return pProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }class CWndProcThunk
_AtlCreateWndData cd;
_WndProcThunk thunk;
void Init(WNDPROC proc, void* pThis)
#if defined (_M_IX86)
thunk.m_mov = 0x042444C7; //C7 44 24 0C
thunk.m_this = (DWORD)pThis;
thunk.m_jmp = 0xe9;
thunk.m_relproc = (int)proc - ((int)this+sizeof(_WndProcThunk));
#elif defined (_M_ALPHA)
thunk.ldah_at = (0x279f0000 | HIWORD(proc)) + (LOWORD(proc)>>15);
thunk.ldah_a0 = (0x261f0000 | HIWORD(pThis)) + (LOWORD(pThis)>>15);
thunk.lda_at = 0x239c0000 | LOWORD(proc);
thunk.lda_a0 = 0x22100000 | LOWORD(pThis); = 0x6bfc0000;
// write block from data cache and
// flush from instruction cache
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), &thunk, sizeof(thunk));
static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CContainedWindowT< TBase >* pThis = (CContainedWindowT< TBase >*)hWnd;
ATLASSERT(pThis->m_hWnd != NULL);
ATLASSERT(pThis->m_pObject != NULL);
// set a ptr to this message and save the old value
MSG msg = { pThis->m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, 0, { 0, 0 } };
const MSG* pOldMsg = pThis->m_pCurrentMsg;
pThis->m_pCurrentMsg = &msg;
// pass to the message map to process
BOOL bRet = pThis->m_pObject->ProcessWindowMessage(pThis->m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes, pThis->m_dwMsgMapID);
// restore saved value for the current message
ATLASSERT(pThis->m_pCurrentMsg == &msg);
pThis->m_pCurrentMsg = pOldMsg;
// do the default processing if message was not handled
if(uMsg != WM_NCDESTROY)
lRes = pThis->DefWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
// unsubclass, if needed
LONG pfnWndProc = ::GetWindowLong(pThis->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC);
lRes = pThis->DefWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
if(pThis->m_pfnSuperWindowProc != ::DefWindowProc && ::GetWindowLong(pThis->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC) == pfnWndProc)
::SetWindowLong(pThis->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)pThis->m_pfnSuperWindowProc);
// clear out window handle
pThis->m_hWnd = NULL;
return lRes;