Code Knight

Programming is so cool
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“Do not spend all your time on training or studying - this way you will probably become very exhausted and unwilling to compete more. Whatever you do - have fun. Once you find programming is no fun anymore – drop it. Play soccer, find a girlfriend, study something not related to programming, just live a life - programming contests are only programming contests, and nothing more. Don’t let them become your life - for your life is much more interesting and colorful”

posted on 2009-01-10 20:30 Code Knight 阅读(737) 评论(3)  编辑 收藏 引用


# re: ACM世界冠军的编程感言  回复  更多评论   

Once you find programming is no fun anymore – drop it.

2009-01-11 13:07 | 陈梓瀚(vczh)

# re: ACM世界冠军的编程感言  回复  更多评论   


咱们这时代是容不下竹林七贤和黄老邪这般人物的,"Once you find programming is no fun anymore – drop it. "多少潇洒,可惜也只是一句空话.
2009-08-10 13:21 | Chen Jiecao

# re: ACM世界冠军的编程感言  回复  更多评论   

2010-09-29 22:09 | hym

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