由于上一次的graph adt结构没有 主索引表allArc,allNode 和 VNode 结构内的inArc,outArc 的相互索引能力,效率比较低. 这一次专门细化了基本结构(VNode,VArc)的元操作,不导致任何功能上的冲突. 写代码期间居然有心情写注释,说明写库如果先自上而下的设计,再自下而上的实现,还是能够增加设计级效率.
0 为了实现相互索引的优化能力,图结构的每一个node和arc都有key和tag两种索引标记,key是面向graph的使用者设计的,tag是面向内在结构设计的,这样,同时让使用者用自由值索引,又保持内在的高效索引.
1 只加了两处测试代码,其他测试代码之后加上去(主要是要考虑使用者会不会进行意想不到的图操作).
2 对于结点数等计数信息直接用引用变量锁定vector的对象,这样,整个代码里面找不到任何关于长度的计数信息(如++,--),完全和vector的n值(长度)同步.
/**//* graph.h :base::adt::graph */
#ifndef GRAPH__
#define GRAPH__
#include "base.h" #include "vector.h"
namespace adt { using adt::vector; template<typename VTypeN,typename VTypeE> class graph : public base::adt { public: struct VArc; struct VNode; struct VArc { VNode* begin; VNode* end;
int *tag_begin; int *tag_end; VTypeE weight;
int tag;/**//*internal index tag*/ int key;/**//*external index tag*/
VArc() { tag=0; key=0; } VArc(VNode *_begin,VNode * _end,int _key,int _tag,VTypeE _w) { begin=_begin; end=_end; weight=_w; tag=_tag; key=_key; tag_begin=&begin->tag; tag_end=&end->tag; } ~VArc() { begin=0; end=0; tag=0; key=0; } /**//*copy to _arc only by data not adr*/ void copyTo(VArc * _arc) { _arc->weight=weight; _arc->tag=tag; _arc->key=key; } void setKey(int _key) { key=_key; } void setTag(int _tag) { tag=_tag; } void setWeight(VTypeE _w) { weight=_w; } void setBegin(VNode* _begin) { begin=_begin; tag_begin=&begin->tag; } void setEnd(VNode* _end) { end=_end; tag_end=&end->tag; } }; struct VNode { vector<VArc*> inArc; vector<VArc*> outArc; int &inNum; int &outNum;
VTypeN weight;
int tag;/**//*internal index tag*/ int key;/**//*external index tag*/
int status;/**//*node status*/
/**//*copy to _arc only by data not adr*/ void copyTo(VNode * _node) { _node->weight=weight; _node->tag=tag; _node->key=key; _node->status=status;
} VNode():/**//*build up ref*/inNum(inArc.n),outNum(outArc.n) { status=0; tag=0; key=0; } VNode(int _key,int _tag,VTypeN _w,int _status):/**//*build up ref*/inNum(inArc.n),outNum(outArc.n) { weight=_w; status=_status; tag=_tag; key=_key; } ~VNode() { tag=0; key=0; status=0; } /**//* set key */ void setKey(int _key) { key=_key; } /**//* set tag */ void setTag(int _tag) { tag=_tag; } /**//* set weight */ int setWeight(VTypeN _w) { weight=_w; return 1; } /**//* set status */ void setStatus(int _status) { status=_status; }
/**//* add inArc */ int addIn(VArc *_inArc ) { if(!_inArc) return 0; inArc.push(_inArc); //++inNum; return 1; } /**//* and outArc */ int addOut(VArc *_outArc ) { if(!_outArc) return 0; outArc.push(_outArc); //++outNum; return 1; }
/**//* remove inArc by weight */ int removeInWeight(VTypeE _w) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc_.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->weight==_w) { inArc.remove(i); //--inNum; --i; } } return 1; } /**//* remove outArc by weight */ int removeOutWeight(VTypeE _w) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc_.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->weight==_w) { outArc.remove(i); //--outNum; --i; } } return 1; } /**//* remove inArc by tag */ int removeInTag(int _tag) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->tag==_tag) { inArc.remove(i); //--inNum; return 1; } } return 0; } /**//* remove outArc by tag */ int removeOutTag(int _tag) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->tag==_tag) { outArc.remove(i); //--outNum; return 1; } } return 0; } /**//* remove inArc by key */ int removeInKey(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc_.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->key==_key) { inArc.remove(i); //--inNum; return 1; } } return 0; } /**//* remove outArc by key */ int removeOutKey(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc_.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->key==_key) { outArc.remove(i); //--outNum; return 1; } } return 0; } /**//* search inArc by weight */ VArc* findInWeight(VTypeE _w) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc_.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->weight==_w) { return inArc_[i]; } } return 0;
} /**//* search outArc by weight */ VArc* findOutWeight(VTypeE _w) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->weight==_w) { return outArc[i]; } } return 0;
} /**//* search inArc by tag */ VArc* findInTag(int _t) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->tag==_t) { return inArc[i]; } } return 0;
} /**//* search outArc by tag */ VArc* findOutTag(int _t) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc_.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->tag==_t) { return outArc_[i]; } } return 0;
} /**//* search inArc by key */ VArc* findInKey(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=inArc_.n;i++) { if(inArc[i]->key==_key) { return inArc_[i]; } } return 0;
} /**//* search outArc by key */ VArc* findOutKey(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=outArc_.n;i++) { if(outArc[i]->key==_key) { return outArc_[i]; } } return 0;
} }; vector<VNode*> allNode; vector<VArc*> allArc; int& nodeNum; int& arcNum; graph():/**//*build up ref*/nodeNum(allNode.n),arcNum(allArc.n) {
} graph(graph & obj):/**//*build up ref*/nodeNum(allNode.n),arcNum(allArc.n) { obj.copyTo(*this); } int addNode(int _key,VTypeN _w,int _status) {
if(findNodeTag(_key)!=-1) { #ifdef TEST_OPEN TEST_THROW("Exception in graph.h graph::addNode Function.") #endif return 0;
VNode* _node=new VNode; /**//*init data*/ _node->setKey(_key); _node->setWeight(_w); _node->setStatus(_status); _node->setTag(nodeNum);/**//*index reciprocally beginning with 0 */ /**//*push in index list*/ allNode.push(_node); return 1; } int setNode(int _key,VTypeN _w,int _status) { int _tag;
if((_tag=findNodeTag(_key))==-1) { #ifdef TEST_OPEN TEST_THROW("Exception in graph.h graph::setNode Function.") #endif return 0;
VNode* _node=allNode[_tag]; /**//*init data*/ _node->setWeight(_w); _node->setStatus(_status); return 1; } /**//* switch key to tag */ int findNodeTag(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=allNode.n;i++) { if(allNode[i]->key==_key) { return allNode[i]->tag; } } return -1; } /**//* switch key to tag */ int findArcTag(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=allArc.n;i++) { if(allArc[i]->key==_key) { return allArc[i]->tag; } } return -1; } /**//* find node by key */ int findNode(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=allNode.n;i++) { if(allNode[i]->key==_key) { return 1; } } return 0; } /**//* find arc by key */ int findArc(int _key) { for(int i=0;i!=allArc.n;i++) { if(allArc[i]->key==_key) { return 1; } } return 0; } int isGo(int _key,VTypeE _w,int &_next_key) { int _tag = findNodeTag(_key);
if(_tag>=nodeNum||_tag==-1) { #ifdef TEST_OPEN TEST_THROW("Exception in graph.h graph::isGo function.") #endif return 0; }
VNode * _node = allNode[_tag]; VArc* _arc = _node->findOutWeight(_w); if(!_arc) return 0; _next_key = _arc->end->key; return 1; } int getStatus(int _key) { int _tag = findNodeTag(_key);
return allNode[_tag]->status; } /**//* add arc by begin and end 's key */ void addArc(int _k_begin,int _k_end,int _key,VTypeE _w) { if(findArcTag(_key)!=-1) { #ifdef TEST_OPEN TEST_THROW("Exception in graph.h graph::addArc function.") #endif return;
} VArc* _arc=new VArc; /**//* switch key to tag,get begin's and end's adr*/ int _tag_begin = findNodeTag(_k_begin); int _tag_end = findNodeTag(_k_end); VNode* _begin=allNode[_tag_begin]; VNode* _end =allNode[_tag_end]; /**//*init data*/ _arc->setBegin(_begin); _arc->setEnd(_end); _arc->setKey(_key); _arc->setWeight(_w); /**//*index reciprocally beginning with zero */ _arc->setTag(arcNum); /**//*building begin-end link.*/ _begin->addOut(_arc); _end->addIn(_arc); /**//*push in index list*/ allArc.push(_arc);
} int setArc(int _key,VTypeE _w) { int _tag; if((_tag=findArcTag(_key))==-1) { #ifdef TEST_OPEN TEST_THROW("Exception in graph.h graph::setArc function.") #endif return 0;
} VArc* _arc=allArc[_tag]; VNode* _begin=allNode[_arc->begin->tag]; VNode* _end =allNode[_arc->end->tag]; /**//*init data*/ _arc->setBegin(_begin); _arc->setEnd(_end); _arc->setWeight(_w);
} /**//* copy self to graph-obj */ int copyTo(graph & _obj) { VNode *_node; VArc *_arc; for(int i=0;i!=nodeNum;i++) { _node=allNode[i]; _obj.allNode.push(new VNode(_node->key,_node->tag,_node->weight,_node->status));
} for(int i=0;i!=arcNum;i++) { _arc=allArc[i]; _obj.addArc(_arc->begin->key,_arc->end->key,_arc->key,_arc->weight); } return 1; } int copyFrom(graph & _obj) { _obj.copyTo(*this); return 1; } /**//* get value from rightObj */ void operator = (graph& _rObj) { copyFrom(_rObj); } /**//* remove arc by tag */ int removeArcTag(int _tag) {
VArc* _arc=allArc[_tag]; _arc->begin->removeOutTag(_tag); _arc->end->removeInTag(_tag); allArc.remove(_tag); for(int i=_tag;i!=arcNum;i++) --allArc[i]->tag;
return 1; } /**//* remove arc by key */ int removeArcKey(int _key) { VArc* _arc;
/**//* search by key */
for(int i=0;i!=arcNum;i++) { if(allArc[i]->key==_key) { _arc=allArc[i]; removeArcTag(_arc->tag); return 1; } }
return 0; } /**//* remove node by tag*/ int removeNodeTag(int _tag) { VNode* _node=allNode[_tag]; /**//* remove all inArc */ for(;0!=_node->inNum;) { removeArcTag(_node->inArc[0]->tag); //_node->inArc.remove(0); } /**//* remove all outArc */ for(;0!=_node->outNum;) { removeArcTag(_node->outArc[0]->tag); //cout<<_node->outNum; //_node->outArc.remove(0); } /**//* remove itself*/ allNode.remove(_tag); for(int i=_tag;i!=arcNum;i++) --allArc[i]->tag; return 1; } /**//* remove node by key*/ int removeNodeKey(int _key) {
VNode* _node; /**//* search by key */ for(int i=0;i!=nodeNum;i++) { if(allNode[i]->key==_key) { _node=allNode[i]; removeNodeTag(_node->tag); return 1; } } return 0; } int free() {
for(;0!=nodeNum;) { delete allNode.pop();
} for(;0!=arcNum;) { delete allArc.pop(); }
return 1; } ~graph() { free(); }
}; };
实现了对一个dfa 的匹配,一开始能匹配/(at|ro)(om)/,当第一次匹配成功后继续匹配时删除一条'o'边,导致r到m的边无法达到,匹配自动变成/atom/.
当第二次匹配成功(对 /atom/ 的匹配),增加回原来的'o'边,使匹配自动回到/(at|ro)(om)/,直到输入流都匹配为结束
void test_graph() {
using adt::graph;
graph<int,char> g,g2;
g.addNode(1,1,-1); g.addNode(2,1,0); g.addNode(3,1,0); g.addNode(4,1,0); g.addNode(5,1,0); g.addNode(6,1,1);
g.addArc(1,2,1,'a'); g.addArc(2,4,2,'t'); g.addArc(4,5,3,'o'); g.addArc(5,6,4,'m'); g.addArc(1,3,5,'r'); g.addArc(3,4,6,'o');
char buf[200]={0},get; int init=1,key=init,tag,_i=0,len,select=0; os::control reader; do { reader.read(buf,len); }while(reader.size(buf)==0); while(1){ char list[100]={0}; int i=0; key=init; while(1) { if(g2.getStatus(key)==1) { break; } if(_i==len) break; if(g2.isGo(key,buf[_i],key)) { if(i==0) tag=_i+1; list[i]=buf[_i]; ++i; ++_i; }else { if(i!=0) { _i=tag; i=0; key=init; }else { i=0; key=init; ++_i; }
} if(g2.getStatus(key)==1) { if(select==0) { g2.removeArcKey(6); cout<<"your input(\""<<list<<"\") matches the dfa(regex:/(at|ro)(om)/)."<<endl; cout<<"the dfa switch to another dfa(regex:/atom/)"<<endl; }else if(select==1) { g2.addArc(3,4,6,'o'); cout<<"your input(\""<<list<<"\") matches the dfa(regex:/atom/)."<<endl; cout<<"the dfa switch to another dfa(regex:/(at|ro)(om)/)"<<endl; } select = (select+1)%2; } cout<<_i<<":"<<len<<endl; if(_i==len)break; getch(); }
your atom is in my room,atomic things..room
your input("atom") matches the dfa(regex:/(at|ro)(om)/). the dfa switch to another dfa(regex:/atom/) 9:50 your input("atom") matches the dfa(regex:/atom/). the dfa switch to another dfa(regex:/(at|ro)(om)/) 28:50 your input("room") matches the dfa(regex:/(at|ro)(om)/). the dfa switch to another dfa(regex:/atom/) 46:50 50:50 请按任意键继续. . .
| 日 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 |
29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |