在搞定两个bug,最终还有一个诡异的bug没解决,I give up. 我知道这个错误之所以难以找到,是因为自己为了随意发挥违背自己历来遵从的编程原则,就算找到那个bug也无济于事,不如以后不再任性,把模块按down-top、top-down划分(这种方法几乎能让我不出任何错),并且写代码的时候,为每一次项目的测试单元和调试代码做准备。
1 #include <iostream> 2 3 using namespace std; 4 5 #define MAX_FILE 50000//假设的文件最大长度 6 #define MAXLIST 256//最大MAP值 7 #define MAX_HUFFMAN_LENGTH 100//哈夫曼编码长度 8 unsigned char dictionary[MAXLIST][2]= {0};//Hash映射,[][0]为权值,[][1]为字符 9 unsigned char fileContent[MAX_FILE];//处理的字符串大小 10 int Huffman[MAXLIST][MAX_HUFFMAN_LENGTH]= {2};//哈夫曼编码序列 11 unsigned char HuffmanList[MAXLIST]= {0};//哈夫曼编码对应的字符有序序列 12 unsigned char HuffFileCode[MAX_FILE]= {0};//哈夫曼编码字符串序列 13 unsigned char HuffFile[MAX_FILE]= {0}; 14 //编码到假设的文件的哈夫曼压缩格式: 依次存储 原字符串长度(1字节存储:可扩展到2字节)、哈夫曼编码数(1字节)、每个哈夫曼编码的长度序列、每个哈夫曼编码对应的字符序列、编码过的哈夫曼字符串 15 16 unsigned char GetFile[MAX_FILE]= {0};//解码序列 17 18 void ShellSort(unsigned char pData[MAXLIST][2],int Count)//Shell排序,用于准备有序化要构造的编码权值构造哈夫曼树做准备 19  { 20 int step[4]= {9,5,3,1};//增量序列 21 22 int iTemp,cTemp; 23 int k,s,w; 24 for(int i=0;i<4;i++) 25 { 26 k=step[i]; 27 s=-k; 28 for(int j=k;j<Count;j++) 29 {iTemp=pData[j][0]; 30 cTemp=pData[j][1]; 31 w=j-k; 32 if(s==0) 33 { 34 s=-k; 35 s++; 36 pData[s][0]=iTemp; 37 pData[s][1]=cTemp; 38 } 39 while((iTemp<pData[w][0])&&(w>=0)&&(w<=Count)) 40 { 41 pData[w+k][0]=pData[w][0];//权值交换 42 pData[w+k][1]=pData[w][1];//字符交换 43 w=w-k; 44 } 45 pData[w+k][0]=iTemp; 46 pData[w+k][1]=cTemp; 47 } 48 } 49 } 50 51 52 struct TNode//哈夫曼树结点 53  { 54 TNode* pNode; 55 TNode* lNode; 56 TNode* rNode; 57 unsigned char dictionary; 58 unsigned char weight; 59 TNode(unsigned char dic,unsigned char wei) 60 { 61 pNode=0; 62 lNode=0; 63 rNode=0; 64 dictionary=dic; 65 weight=wei; 66 } 67 }; 68 69 struct LNode//链表结点,用于存储哈夫曼树结点,进而构造哈夫曼树(保证每一步链表结点包含的哈夫曼结点都是有序的) 70  { 71 LNode* prev; 72 LNode* next; 73 TNode* tnode; 74 LNode() 75 { 76 prev=next=0; 77 tnode=0; 78 } 79 }; 80 81 int len=0;//哈夫曼编码数 82 int deep=-1;//深度 83 void Preorder(TNode * p);//前序遍历 84 void byLeft(TNode*p)//经由左结点 85  { 86 deep++; 87 Huffman[len][deep]=0; 88 Preorder(p); 89 90 Huffman[len][deep]=2; 91 deep--; 92 } 93 void byRight(TNode*p)//经由右结点 94  { 95 96 deep++; 97 Huffman[len][deep]=1; 98 Preorder(p); 99 100 Huffman[len][deep]=2; 101 deep--; 102 } 103 void Preorder(TNode * p) 104  { 105 106 if(p->lNode!=0)//当左子结点非空则遍历 107 { 108 109 byLeft(p->lNode); 110 } 111 if(p->rNode!=0)//当右子结点非空则遍历 112 { 113 byRight(p->rNode); 114 } 115 116 117 118 if((p->lNode==0)&&(p->rNode==0))//当左右结点都为空,则增加哈夫曼编码数到另一个记录 119 { 120 121 Huffman[len][deep+1]=2; 122 int i=0; 123 for(;Huffman[len][i]!=2;i++) 124 { 125 Huffman[len+1][i]=Huffman[len][i]; 126 } 127 Huffman[len+1][i]=2; 128 129 HuffmanList[len]=p->dictionary; 130 131 132 133 len++; 134 } 135 136 } 137 138 139 unsigned char generateOne(int k)//产生k个连续1的二进制串,比如111,1111,111111,用于编码进假设的文件 140  { 141 unsigned char c=0; 142 for(;k!=0;k--) 143 { 144 c|=(1<<(k-1)); 145 146 } 147 return c; 148 } 149 150 int compareBits(unsigned char b1,unsigned char b2,unsigned char c,int l,int d)//判断由 [b1,b2] 组成的16位二进制数以d为起点,是否是长度为l的c二进制串(哈夫曼编码)的前缀 151  { 152 unsigned __int8 t=(((((0x00ff&b1)<<8)|(0x00ff&b2))>>(8-d))&0x00ff); 153 return (((t)&((generateOne(l)<<(8-l))&0xff))==((c<<(8-l))&0xff)); 154 } 155 void input(unsigned char* _list,unsigned char end) 156  { 157 158 int i=0; 159 for(;(_list[i]=cin.get())!=end;i++); 160 _list[i]='\0'; 161 162 } 163 164 int main() 165  { 166 167 /**//* 或许假定的文件字符串向量中的字符串 */ 168 cout<<"请输入要压缩的字符串:"; 169 input(fileContent,'$'); 170 171 unsigned int fileLen=0; 172 173 174 /**//* Hash进dictionary */ 175 for(int i=0;fileContent[i]!='\0';i++,fileLen++) 176 { 177 178 ++dictionary[fileContent[i]][0]; 179 dictionary[fileContent[i]][1]=fileContent[i]; 180 } 181 unsigned int len=0; 182 183 /**//* 把Hash了的dictionary向前靠拢 */ 184 185 186 { 187 for(int i=0;i!=MAXLIST;i++) 188 { 189 190 if(dictionary[i][0]!=0) 191 { 192 dictionary[len][0]=dictionary[i][0]; 193 dictionary[len][1]=dictionary[i][1]; 194 len++; 195 } 196 } 197 } 198 cout<<"哈夫曼编码个数:"<<len<<endl; 199 /**//* 对dictionary按权值进行排序 */ 200 201 ShellSort(dictionary,len); 202 203 /**//* 构造链表,链表中放有序dictionary权值的树结点 */ 204 LNode* head=new LNode,*p=head; 205 head->next=new LNode; 206 TNode *tempTNode=new TNode(dictionary[0][1],dictionary[0][0]); 207 head->tnode=tempTNode; 208 209 210 { 211 for(int i=0;i!=len-1;i++) 212 { 213 p->next->prev=p->next; 214 p=p->next; 215 216 p->next=new LNode; 217 tempTNode=new TNode(dictionary[i+1][1],dictionary[i+1][0]); 218 p->tnode=tempTNode; 219 } 220 } 221 delete p->next; 222 p->next=0; 223 224 /**//* 每次最小权值的前面两个链表结点中的树结点组成一个子树,子树有合权值,子数的根按权值排序进链表*/ 225 226 for(p=head;p->next!=0;) 227 { 228 229 p->tnode->pNode=new TNode('\0',(p->tnode->weight)+(p->next->tnode->weight)); 230 p->next->tnode->pNode=p->tnode->pNode; 231 p->tnode->pNode->lNode=p->tnode; 232 p->tnode->pNode->rNode=p->next->tnode; 233 head=p->next; 234 delete p; 235 p=head; 236 p->tnode=p->tnode->pNode; 237 for(LNode* t=head;t->next!=0;t=t->next) 238 { 239 if(t->tnode->weight>t->next->tnode->weight) 240 { 241 TNode* k=t->tnode; 242 t->tnode=t->next->tnode; 243 t->next->tnode=k; 244 } 245 } 246 247 } 248 249 250 int code[MAX_FILE],h=0; 251 252 253 254 /**//* 前序遍历构造哈夫曼编码 */ 255 Preorder(p->tnode); 256 257 { 258 for(int i=0;i!=len;i++) 259 dictionary[HuffmanList[i]][0]=i; 260 } 261 262 int codeLen=0,total=0; 263 { 264 265 for(int i=0;i!=fileLen;i++) 266 { 267 268 unsigned int j=dictionary[fileContent[i]][0]; 269 270 271 for(int k=0;Huffman[j][k]!=2;k++) 272 { 273 274 HuffFileCode[codeLen]|=(Huffman[j][k]<<(7-total%8)); 275 276 code[h++]=Huffman[j][k]; 277 278 if(((total+1)%8)==0) 279 { 280 281 HuffFile[4+len*3+2+codeLen]=HuffFileCode[codeLen]; 282 codeLen++; 283 } 284 total++; 285 } 286 287 288 289 } 290 } 291 292 HuffFile[4+len*3+2+codeLen]=HuffFileCode[codeLen]; 293 294 295 HuffFile[0]=((fileLen>>24)); 296 HuffFile[1]=((fileLen>>16)); 297 HuffFile[2]=((fileLen>>8)); 298 HuffFile[3]=((fileLen)); 299 300 301 302 /**//* 解压缩假定的文件HuffFile成为原字符串序列 */ 303 cout<<"哈夫曼编码序列:\n"; 304 305 /**//* 哈夫曼编码表长度 */ 306 HuffFile[4]=(len&0xff00)>>8; 307 HuffFile[5]=len&0x00ff; 308 309 310 311 { 312 for(int i=0,j=0;i!=len;i++,j=0) 313 { 314 315 for(;Huffman[i][j]!=2;j++); 316 317 HuffFile[3+i+2+1]=j; 318 HuffFile[3+i+2+2*len+1]=HuffmanList[i]; 319 320 321 for(int k=0;k!=j;k++) 322 { 323 324 cout<<Huffman[i][k]; 325 HuffFile[3+i+2+len+1]|=(Huffman[i][k]<<(j-1-k)); 326 327 } 328 cout<<":"<<HuffmanList[i]<<endl; 329 330 331 } 332 } 333 334 335 336 unsigned int packFileLen=(HuffFile[0]<<24)|(HuffFile[1]<<16)|(HuffFile[2]<<8)|(HuffFile[3]<<0); 337 unsigned int packCodeLen=((unsigned int)HuffFile[4]<<8)|((unsigned int)HuffFile[5]); 338 339 340 { 341 for(int i=0,j=0;i!=(packFileLen);i++) 342 { 343 for(int k=0;k!=packCodeLen;k++) 344 { 345 346 unsigned char l=HuffFile[3+2+k+1],d=j%8,b1=HuffFile[3+j/8+2+packCodeLen*3+1],b2=HuffFile[3+j/8+1+2+packCodeLen*3+1]; 347 348 unsigned char c=HuffFile[3+packCodeLen+2+k+1]; 349 350 if(compareBits(b1,b2,c,l,d)) 351 { 352 353 j+=HuffFile[3+2+k+1]; 354 355 GetFile[i]=HuffFile[3+2+packCodeLen*2+k+1]; 356 cout<<GetFile[i]; 357 358 break; 359 360 } 361 } 362 363 } 364 } 365 366 { 367 cout<<"哈夫曼压缩后二进制序列:"<<endl; 368 for(int i=0;i!=h;i++) 369 { 370 cout<<code[i]; 371 if((i+1)%8==0) 372 cout<<" "; 373 } 374 } 375 cout<<endl; 376 377 { 378 cout<<"哈夫曼压缩打包假定文件格式二进制的文本体现:"; 379 cout<<endl; 380 for(int i=0;i!=packFileLen+packCodeLen*3;i++) 381 { 382 cout<<HuffFile[i]; 383 } 384 cout<<endl; 385 } 386 387 cout<<"原字节数为:"<<fileLen<<endl; 388 cout<<"压缩后字节数为:"<<(h)/8+1<<endl; 389 cout<<"压缩率为"<<((h/8.0+1)/fileLen)*100<<"%"<<endl; 390 391 392 { 393 394 cout<<"字符串字节数为:"<<(packFileLen)<<endl; 395 cout<<"字符串解压序列为:"; 396 unsigned char buffer[MAX_FILE]; 397 int i; 398 for(i=0;i!=(packFileLen);i++) 399 { 400 buffer[i]=GetFile[i]; 401 } 402 buffer[i]=0; 403 cout<<buffer<<endl; 404 405 406 407 408 cout<<endl; 409 410 } 411 return 1; 412 }
1 请输入要压缩的字符串:I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this boo 2 k for dedicating it to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best frie 3 nd I have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up understands everyth 4 ing 5 even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is 6 hungry and cold. He needs cheering up.$ 7 哈夫曼编码个数:30 8 哈夫曼编码序列: 9 0000:t 10 00010000:F 11 00010001:H 12 00010010:<回车> 13 00010011:m 14 000101:b 15 00011:u 16 0010:s 17 0011:o 18 0100:i 19 0101:a 20 011:e 21 100000:I 22 100001:. 23 1000100:- 24 1000101:: 25 100011:w 26 1001:r 27 1010:h 28 1011:n 29 1100000:f 30 1100001:y 31 1100010:k 32 1100011:p 33 110010:l 34 110011:g 35 110100:c 36 110101:v 37 11011:d 38 111: 39 I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to 40 a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best friend I have in the world 41 . I have another reason: this grown-up understands everything 42 even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is 43 hungry and cold. He needs cheering up.哈夫曼压缩后二进制序列: 44 10000011 10101001 01100010 11100001 01001111 10100101 11101100 01111001 01100110 45 11101111 01000111 11001111 00000111 00001010 01111111 01001010 01001100 1011011 46 1 00101110 11111100 01110100 01111100 01001101 01110000 11111001 01101011 101111 47 10 00010100 10000101 11000101 00110011 11000101 11110000 00011100 11111101 10111 48 101 10100110 10001010 00001001 01111001 11110100 00001110 00000111 11010111 1110 49 0111 00100111 00011101 11000100 00011110 00111000 01111111 10000011 11010010 111 50 01010 11111010 11110010 01110010 10000110 00110010 11110010 11010100 10001110 11 51 100010 11111010 01111101 00001011 10000101 00111110 00101011 00100000 11111000 0 52 0100101 00011101 11101111 11000001 11101001 01110101 01111101 00101111 10000101 53 00111111 00011001 11001110 01011011 10000111 11000001 11101001 01110101 01111101 54 01101100 11000010 10011100 11111001 01101010 01000111 01110001 01111000 0101001 55 0 00010111 11001110 01001110 00111011 10001000 00111100 01111100 01110111 101101 56 11 00100100 00001011 01111011 00101110 11110101 01110011 10000100 00101001 00101 57 111 00110001 00100111 10101011 10111110 00101001 10011110 00100010 11101010 0010 58 1001 10001100 00111110 10010100 10011001 01101110 01011101 11000011 11100000 111 59 10100 10111010 10111110 10111100 00101001 00100111 01111110 01011010 10010001 11 60 011100 01011111 01001111 11100100 10011010 10110010 11101001 01111100 01000010 0 61 1010110 11110100 01111110 00111010 01110010 11111101 00111110 10000101 11101000 62 01110111 10011100 11100001 11101011 01111011 11111010 00011110 01011011 10000111 63 10001000 10111111 01101101 11101100 10111110 10010100 11011100 10100101 1110011 64 1 11000111 10001110 0001 65 哈夫曼压缩打包假定文件格式二进制的文本体现: 66 67 68 69 (此处代码被截断,无法copy到剪贴板) 70 71 原字节数为:341 72 压缩后字节数为:181 73 压缩率为53.2258% 74 字符串字节数为:341 75 字符串解压序列为:I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for 76 dedicating it to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best friend I 77 have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up understands everything 78 even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is 79 hungry and cold. He needs cheering up. 80
写到此处,我突然发现在进行位处理的时候,我并没有用一个更简化的方法(100行内可以解决)- -bnr ,好吧 下次写一个通用的压缩软件。
| 日 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 |
30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
