一般调用动态C库msvcrt.dll,所以要includelib msvcrt.lib,文件可以从VC的lib目录里面获取。
Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR71.DLL). Be aware that if you use the Standard C++ Library, your program will need MSVCP71.DLL to run.
//test.asm 感谢aogo的masmplus
;MASMPlus 代码模板 - 控制台程序
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include windows.inc
include user32.inc
include kernel32.inc
include masm32.inc
PUBLIC main //提供main给msvcrt链接
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib masm32.lib
includelib msvcrt.lib
lpMsg db "Hello World!",0
extrn printf :near
main PROC C //注意调用规则为 cdecl
invoke locate,2,2 ;设定输出文本的坐标
push offset lpMsg
call printf
add esp,4
invoke ExitProcess,0
ret 0
main ENDP
end //end后面不要跟入口标示
posted on 2006-05-12 05:39
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