What will the SQL Sever database adminstrator's(DBA) jobs be like 10 years from now?
The is a broad qustion. It implies another question: will there be such a thing as a SQL Sever DBA in 10 years? By job tilte, I think the answer is clearly yes, there will certainly be SQL Sever DBAS in 2018. Much less clear, however, is what exactly SQL Sever DBAS will spend their time doing. This paper offer some answer to this question based on the current and foreseeable industry and technological trends.
十年后SQL Sever数据库管理员这个位置发展成什么样子?
这是一个很大的问题,这也暗示这另一个问题的答案: 在十年后是否还会存在数据库管理员这样一个概念? 看这个职位的头衔答案是显然的,在2018年当然还会存在SQL Sever数据库管理员。然而那时的DBAS会做些什么就不是那么明显了。这份报告通过对当前和可预期的工业和技术的发展为这一个问题提供了一些可能的答案。
To look 10 years ahead, it's helpful to look 10 years back in the past. An old aphorism goes something like: to know where you are going you must know where you have been. It holds true much of the time. And not only does it apply to IT in general, but it also apply to the SQL Sever world pariticularly well.
回顾过去对展望未来是很有帮助的。有句古话说,要知道你要去哪里那你必须知道你走过的地方。这确实要花费很多时间,不仅仅是大概回顾IT的概况,还需要特别好的了解这个SQL Sever的世界。
1998: SQL Sever Growing Pains
In 1988, I had been a SQL Sever DBA for 4 years, haveing started out with version 4.21a in 1994. By 98, we on underway on migrating from version 6.5 to the newly rewritten SQL Sever 7. In those days, the job of the DBAS was mostly about getting SQL Sever to work because we are in a transition phase from considering SQL Sever as a departmental-only RDBMS to using it for enterprise-wide applications. There arme some growing pains. Some plans are too ambitious. And there were a few failures.
1998: SQL Sever的坎坷成长
1998年,我已经做了四年的DBA,从94年起,最开始用得4.21a的版本。到了98年,我们正在从6.5升级到刚刚重写的SQL Sever 7.0在那个时候DBA的工作主要是会SQL Sever工作,因为在那个时侯我们处在一个过渡期,在考虑是将SQL Sever作为一个仅部门上的关系数据库还是作为企业范围的共享的应用。这中间有一些坎坷,有些计划太大了,遗留了一些失败的案例。
Also in 1998, expansion of server environments was well underway during the population explosion. New application? No problem, fire up another NT server. Virues? Only on PCs, not on NT. Worms? Never heard of them; SQL Slammer was still years in the future. About the only thing that really concerned us back then was Y2K<千年虫> looming ahead<迫在眉睫>.
同样是在1998年,人口的剧增导致的服务要求的扩大。新的技术?没有问题,再启动一个NT Sever。病毒?在pc机上而已,不是在服务器上。蠕虫?从来没听说过;SQL末路还在遥远的未来。而在那个时候唯一迫在眉睫要我们关注的是千年虫事件。
2008: A Host of Broade Issues
Times have changed to be sure. Issues that were not even on our radar screens back in 1998 are at the forefront today. Issues that of paramount<最重要的,最高的> importance back then have disappeared. The question of whether SQL Sever will work for a given application is now moot. We know it will.
当然时代已经改变。98年出现在雷达屏幕上的问题现在就在眼前。那时相当严峻的问题已经不在了。关于SQL Sever是否能够为给定的应用程序工作的讨论已经没有意义了,我们知道它会的。
Today's issues are much broader and there are more of them. Security, for example, has become multi-faceted in recent years, with the following, equally important issues:
1.Protection from viruses,worms,denial-of-service attacks
2.Protection of data
3.Audition of data
4.Disposal of data
Compliance requirements, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, while closely related to security, goes much deeper and can have major implications for database resourse utilization. In some companies, e-discovery has eclipsed Sarbanes-Oxley as the biggest non-productive resource consumer.
The data growth explosion continues at an accelarated pace. SQL Sever DBAs find it more dificult to get their databases backed up<备份>. Fortunately, there are tools such as Quest Software's LiteSpeed that can shrink database backup files to a fraction<小部分,分数> of their normal size.
数据爆发仍然在以加速度增长,SQL Sever DBAs发现数据库数据备份越来越难。幸运的事,现在有工具可以将数据库备份文件压缩到其正常大小的一小部分,比如Quest Software的LiteSpeed。“搞了半天原来是在做广告”
Will the crucial issues we face today disappear in 2008? It's possible. It's not that audition, viruses, and scurity won't matter. It's that the way we handle those things will have become so mundance<普通,平凡> that we will no longer spend much time thinking about them. A standard SQL deployment<部署> will imply that all data is encrpted, changes are logged<记录日志>, patching is automatic and unattended.
我们现在的面临的关键问题在2018年将会消失么?有这种可能。但不是审核,病毒,和安全问题就不再存在,而是我们处理这些问题的方式太熟悉普通而不用花费太多时间。一个标准的SQL Sever部署需要数据加密,日志修改,自动和隐蔽修补。
Instead of these compliance and security issues, we have a new batch of problems to deal with. The rest of this paper explores some of the industry and technological trends that are either alread occuring or that are expected to occur in the next 10 years. We will explore what those trends will mean for the SQL Server DBA.
没有了这些安全和规程的问题,又有新的问题需要我们处理。下面报告要探索一下产业技术趋势,这其中有些已经出现,有些在未来十年将会产生。我们来探求这些趋势对SQL Sever数据库管理员意味着什么。
Hints<线索,浅析> in SQL 2008
SQL Server 2008 provide new features that provide some insight into the direction of database administration in the coming years. The new Declarative Management Framework (DMF) for example-which is basically a means to define policies and apply them across the enterprise on multiple instances-is a step away from individual instance management.
浅析SQL 2008
SQL Server 2008 提供了一些新特性暗示了DBA的在未来几年的方向。比如基于策略化管理的Declarative Management Framework(DMF),将被应用与公司的多实例环境,与单实例管理仅有一步之遥。
Third-party<承担第三方责任> venders<零售商> have alread started down the path. For example, Quest Software's latest version of Change Director provides robust<强大的> fuctionality<功能> to manage an entire enterprise's SQL Agent jobs from a single point. More and more, tools and functionality will be geared<n工具,v使适合> towards managing the SQL Sever farms rather than the individual instances.
第三方厂家已经开始采用这种策略。比如Quest Software的Change Director的新版本提供了强大的功能来实现从一个点上来管理整个公司的SQL代理工作。越来越多的工具和功能在试图实现场服务器模式,而非独立服务器模式。
Another new SQL 2008 feature is the Recource Governor<资源管理>. This much-needed feature allow the DBAs to set priorities and resource limits on individual jobs, which is a key in preventing processes from getting starved for resources. Yet another is new feature is the "Hot Add Cpu" that will allow the addition of CPUs to supported hardware without downtime.
另一个SQL 2008新特性是资源管理,这个常用的特性允许管理员为个体工作设置优先级和资源限制。这有效的防止了因资源处于饿死的进程。还有一个特性是“Hot-Add-CPU”,它允许在不停机的状况下为硬件添加可兼容的cpu。
These new features point to a future in which SQL Severs are managed at the enterprise-level with dynamic resource allocation<动态资源分配>.As this trend continues, the SQL Sever DBA's job will evolve with the changing landscape.
<这些新特性指出了SQL在企业级上动态资源分配的前景,按此趋势发展,SQL Sever管理员的工作同样要随着发展改变>
1.“千年虫”问题的根源始于60年代。当时计算机存储器的成本很高,如果用四位数字表示年 份,就要多占用存储器空间,就会使成本增加,因此为了节省存储空间,计算机系统的编程 人员采用两位数字表示年份。随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,虽然后来存储器的价格降低了, 但在计算机系统中使用两位数字来表示年份的做法却由于思维上的惯性势力而被沿袭下来, 年复一年,直到新世纪即将来临之际,大家才突然意识到用两位数字表示年份将无法正确辨 识公元2000年及其以后的年份。1997年,信息界开始拉起了“千年虫”警钟,并很快引起了 全球关注。
2.上世纪末本世纪初,各种公司丑闻屡屡出现,导致美国国会出台了《2002 年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,简称SOX法案)。它对公司治理有着极为严格和苛刻的要求,它要求公司针对产生财务交易的所有作业流程,都做到能见度、透明度、控制、通讯、风险管理和欺诈防范,且这些流程必须详加记录到可追查交易源头的地步。SOX法案的要求是全面且复杂的。SOX法案对于上市公司来说,是一个严峻的挑战,同时也是一个改善公司治理的机会。
Compliance Requirement4.
e-discovery 解决方案5.Windows SharePoint Services Configurations配置模式
You can choose between two configurations for Windows SharePoint Services: stand-alone server or server farm. If you anticipate only light usage of your Web sites, you can use the stand-alone server configuration. If you are supporting Web sites in a large organization or as an Internet service provider (ISP), and anticipate heavy usage and a lot of data, you will most likely want to use the server farm configuration.WSS2支持两种配置模式:独立服务器模式和场服务器模式。
posted on 2009-02-22 15:11
zoyi 阅读(216)
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