Given the values of two nodes in a *binary search tree*, write a c program to find the lowest common ancestor. You may assume that both values already exist in the tree.
The function prototype is as follows: int FindLowestCommonAncestor(node* root,int value1,int value)
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构筑函数: struct TreeNode * FindLowestCommonTreeNode(struct node *pNode,)
Struct TreeNode
int Data;
TreeNode *pLeft, *pRight;
FindLowestAncestor(Struct TreeNode *pRoot, Struct TreeNode *pNode1, Struct TreeNode *pNode2)
if (pRoot==NULL)
return NULL;
if (pRoot==pNode1 && pRoot==pNode2)
return pRoot;
Struct TreeNode *pTemp;
if (pTemp = FindLowestAncestor(pRoot->pLeft,pNode1,pNode2))
return pTemp;
if (pTemp = FindLowestAncestor(pRoot->pRight,pNode1,pNode2))
return pTemp;
if (FindLowestAncestor(pRoot,pNode1,pNode1) && FindLowestAncestor(pRoot,pNo
de2,pNode2)) return pRoot;
return NULL;