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As far as I know, I don't think there is other way to meet your requirement.  Since each mobile application has 32M memory limitation, we have to do the performance manually, like deleting object which is not used and allocating Large Memory Blocks in Large memory Area.

For more information:
Windows CE .NET Advanced Memory Management
How the Windows Mobile 5.0 Shell Handles Low Memory Situations

我看了一部分,在How the Windows Mobile 5.0 Shell Handles Low Memory Situations中提到,




This is the amount of memory the shell tries to keep free at all times. If the amount of free memory falls below this value then the low memory check routine will try to free up memory. It will do this by first sending WM_HIBERNATE to all valid applications. When an application receives this message it should try to free as many resources as possible. When the low memory check routine runs again and the amount of free memory is still below the hibernate level then the shell will try to close the least recently used (LRU) application by sending a WM_CLOSE message. If the low memory check routine runs yet again and the amount of free memory is still below the hibernate level then the shell will call TerminateProcess on the LRU application that it last sent the WM_CLOSE message to.





How the Windows Mobile 5.0 Shell Handles Low Memory Situations的最后,这样写的

What can my Application do?

The best thing your application can do when faced with a low memory situation is to play nicely with the rest of the device. 

1、If your application receives a WM_HIBERNATE message free up any resources not absolutely required. 
2、If you are planning on allocating a large amount of memory (or if a large allocation fails) you should call SHCloseApps, which will invoke the shell low memory check routine and will try to ensure that enough free memory exists. See below for an example:

#define MIN_MEMORY_TO_RUN 2*1024*1024




If (mst.dwAvailPhys 


// Try to free memory by asking Shell to shutdown apps

if (!SHCloseApps(MIN_MEMORY_TO_RUN))


// Handle the case where memory could not be freed


原型:BOOL SHCloseApps(  DWORD dwMemSought);
This function tries to free up memory for an application. If necessary, the shell closes down other applications by sending dwMemSought);
This function tries to free up memory for an application. If necessary, the shell closes down other applications by sending WM_CLOSE messages.
参数:dwMemSought Specifies, in bytes, the amount of memory to be freed.

通过了解dwMemSought Specifies, in bytes, the amount of memory to be freed.


posted on 2009-03-05 13:56 Sandy 阅读(1271) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: windows学习

# re: 关于mobile的内存释放
2009-03-05 14:13 | 亨德列克
高!  回复  更多评论
# re: 关于mobile的内存释放[未登录]
2009-03-05 16:54 | foxriver
PC上有个类似的函数HeapCompact,初看很像内存整理,仔细看也不是的。内存整理牵涉的操作太多,操作系统也不好办。  回复  更多评论

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