这里鱼儿动画比较简单,只有一份 idle 动作即可,鱼儿受惊快速移动,可以加快动画播放速度即可。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FSM : MonoBehaviour
//Fish GameObject
protected GameObject goFish;
//Player Transform
public Transform oceanTransform;
//Next destination position of the NPC Tank
protected Vector3 destPos;
protected float elapsedTime;
protected virtual void Initialize() {}
protected virtual void FSMUpdate() {}
protected virtual void FSMFixedUpdate() {}
//Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
void FixedUpdate()
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// This class is adapted and modified from the FSM implementation class available on UnifyCommunity website
/// The license for the code is Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.
/// It's originally the port of C++ FSM implementation mentioned in Chapter01 of Game Programming Gems 1
/// You're free to use, modify and distribute the code in any projects including commercial ones.
/// Please read the link to know more about CCA license @http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
/// This class represents the States in the Finite State System.
/// Each state has a Dictionary with pairs (transition-state) showing
/// which state the FSM should be if a transition is fired while this state
/// is the current state.
/// Reason method is used to determine which transition should be fired .
/// Act method has the code to perform the actions the NPC is supposed to do if it磗 on this state.
/// </summary>
public abstract class FSMState
protected Dictionary<Transition, FSMStateID> map = new Dictionary<Transition, FSMStateID>();
protected FSMStateID stateID;
public FSMStateID ID { get { return stateID; } }
// 以下几个参数,是鱼儿相应的参数设置,在继承各个状态机时使用 觉得写这里 不是很好,不过懒得改 就这样吧
protected Vector3 destPos; // 目标位置
protected float curRotSpeed; // 惊吓后速度参数
protected float curSpeed; // 自身游动速度参数
protected float chaseDistance = 10.0f; // 鱼儿追赶鱼食范围
public void AddTransition(Transition transition, FSMStateID id)
//Since this is a Deterministc FSM,
//Check if the current transition was already inside the map
if (map.ContainsKey(transition))
Debug.LogWarning("FSMState ERROR: transition is already inside the map");
map.Add(transition, id);
Debug.Log("Added : " + transition + " with ID : " + id);
/// <summary>
/// This method deletes a pair transition-state from this state磗 map.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteTransition(Transition trans)
// Check if the pair is inside the map before deleting
if (map.ContainsKey(trans))
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: Transition passed was not on this State磗 List");
/// <summary>
/// This method returns the new state the FSM should be if
/// this state receives a transition
/// </summary>
public FSMStateID GetOutputState(Transition trans)
return map[trans];
/// <summary>
/// Decides if the state should transition to another on its list
/// NPC is a reference to the npc tha is controlled by this class
/// </summary>
public abstract void Reason(GameObject fish);
/// <summary>
/// This method controls the behavior of the NPC in the game World.
/// Every action, movement or communication the NPC does should be placed here
/// NPC is a reference to the npc tha is controlled by this class
/// </summary>
public abstract void Act(GameObject fish);
/// <summary>
/// Find the next semi-random patrol point
/// </summary>
public void FindNextPoint()
//Debug.Log("Finding next point");
/// <summary>
/// Check whether the next random position is the same as current tank position
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos">position to check</param>
protected bool IsInCurrentRange(Transform trans, Vector3 pos)
float xPos = Mathf.Abs(pos.x - trans.position.x);
float zPos = Mathf.Abs(pos.z - trans.position.z);
if (xPos <= 50 && zPos <= 50)
return true;
return false;
public enum Transition
SawFood = 0, // 看见发现食物
ReachFood, // 追逐抵达食物
LostFood, // 失去食物(有可能被别的鱼吃了、脱离视野、掉入海底)
BombBubble, // 气泡爆炸
TouchFish, // 鱼儿被触摸
Patrolle, // 巡逻(普通)
ComeInto, // 进场
ComeEnd, // 进场结束
NoTime, // 没有时间了
public enum FSMStateID
Patrolling = 0, // 巡逻 状态
Showtiming, // 表演 状态
Chasing, // 追赶 状态
Frightening, // 受惊 状态
Eatting, // 吃食 状态
Coming, // 进场 状态
Disappearing, // 消失 状态
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// This class is adapted and modified from the FSM implementation class available on UnifyCommunity website
/// The license for the code is Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.
/// It's originally the port of C++ FSM implementation mentioned in Chapter01 of Game Programming Gems 1
/// You're free to use, modify and distribute the code in any projects including commercial ones.
/// Please read the link to know more about CCA license @http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
/// </summary>
public class AdvancedFSM : FSM
private List<FSMState> fsmStates;
//The fsmStates are not changing directly but updated by using transitions
private FSMStateID currentStateID;
public FSMStateID CurrentStateID { get { return currentStateID; } }
private FSMState currentState;
public FSMState CurrentState { get { return currentState; } }
public AdvancedFSM()
fsmStates = new List<FSMState>();
/// <summary>
/// Add New State into the list
/// </summary>
public void AddFSMState(FSMState fsmState)
// Check for Null reference before deleting
if (fsmState == null)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Null reference is not allowed");
// First State inserted is also the Initial state
// the state the machine is in when the simulation begins
if (fsmStates.Count == 0)
currentState = fsmState;
currentStateID = fsmState.ID;
// Add the state to the List if it磗 not inside it
foreach (FSMState state in fsmStates)
if (state.ID == fsmState.ID)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Trying to add a state that was already inside the list");
//If no state in the current then add the state to the list
//This method delete a state from the FSM List if it exists,
public void DeleteState(FSMStateID fsmState)
// Search the List and delete the state if it磗 inside it
foreach (FSMState state in fsmStates)
if (state.ID == fsmState)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: The state passed was not on the list. Impossible to delete it");
/// <summary>
/// This method tries to change the state the FSM is in based on
/// the current state and the transition passed.
/// </summary>
public void PerformTransition(Transition trans)
// Check if the currentState has the transition passed as argument
FSMStateID id = currentState.GetOutputState(trans);
// Update the currentStateID and currentState
currentStateID = id;
foreach (FSMState state in fsmStates)
if (state.ID == currentStateID)
currentState = state;
鱼儿实体挂载上 AIController.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AIController : AdvancedFSM
private int survivalTime; // 生存时间
public bool isNPC = true;
protected override void Initialize()
goFish = this.gameObject;
survivalTime = 60 * 3; // 生存时间 60秒 * 3
//Start Doing the Finite State Machine
ConstructFSM ();
//Update each frame
protected override void FSMUpdate()
//Check for health
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
// 时间 到了 消失
if (elapsedTime > survivalTime && isNPC == false)
protected override void FSMFixedUpdate()
public void SetTransition(Transition t)
public void TouchFishAC()
int TouchID = Random.Range(1, 6);
string strTouch = "Sound/yu0" + TouchID.ToString();
AudioClip ACTouch = Resources.Load(strTouch) as AudioClip;
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(ACTouch, transform.localPosition);
private void ConstructFSM()
GameObject objOcean = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ocean");
oceanTransform = objOcean.transform;
PatrolState patrol = new PatrolState (); // 游走
patrol.AddTransition (Transition.SawFood, FSMStateID.Chasing); // 发现鱼食 进入追食
patrol.AddTransition (Transition.BombBubble, FSMStateID.Frightening); // 气泡爆炸 进入受惊
patrol.AddTransition (Transition.TouchFish, FSMStateID.Frightening); // 触碰鱼 进入受惊
patrol.AddTransition (Transition.NoTime, FSMStateID.Disappearing); // 到时间 消失
ChaseState chase = new ChaseState(); // 追食
chase.AddTransition (Transition.ReachFood, FSMStateID.Eatting); // 追到鱼食 进入吃食
chase.AddTransition (Transition.LostFood, FSMStateID.Patrolling); // 鱼食消失 进入游走
chase.AddTransition (Transition.BombBubble, FSMStateID.Frightening); // 气泡爆炸 进入受惊
chase.AddTransition (Transition.TouchFish, FSMStateID.Frightening); // 触碰鱼 进入受惊
chase.AddTransition (Transition.NoTime, FSMStateID.Disappearing); // 到时间 消失
//EatState eat = new EatState (); // 吃食
FrightenState frighten = new FrightenState (); // 受惊
frighten.AddTransition (Transition.Patrolle, FSMStateID.Patrolling); // 受惊后 游走
frighten.AddTransition (Transition.NoTime, FSMStateID.Disappearing); // 到时间 消失
DisappearState disappear = new DisappearState (); // 离场
disappear.AddTransition(Transition.NoTime, FSMStateID.Disappearing); // 到时间 消失
ComeState comeinto = new ComeState ();
comeinto.AddTransition (Transition.ComeInto, FSMStateID.Coming);
comeinto.AddTransition (Transition.ComeEnd, FSMStateID.Patrolling);
//AddFSMState (comeinto);
AddFSMState (patrol);
AddFSMState (chase);
//AddFSMState (eat);
AddFSMState (frighten);
AddFSMState (disappear);
//AddFSMState (comeinto);
PatrolState、ChaseState、FrightenState、DisappearState、ComeState 在相应的状态下做相应的事情就ok了。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PatrolState : FSMState
float intervalTime = 4.0f; // 间隔时间
float patrolTime = 0.0f;
int patrolPointID = 2;
Vector3 selfPoint;
GameObject goPatrol;
public PatrolState()
intervalTime = Random.Range(3.5f, 8.0f);
stateID = FSMStateID.Patrolling;
curRotSpeed = 3.0f;
curSpeed = 0.1f;
goPatrol = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PatrolPoint");
destPos = goPatrol.transform.Find (patrolPointID.ToString ()).transform.position;
public void FindNextPoint(GameObject fish)
intervalTime = Random.Range(5.5f, 8.0f);
selfPoint = fish.transform.position;
destPos = goPatrol.transform.Find (patrolPointID.ToString ()).transform.position;
public override void Reason(GameObject fish)
//fish.GetComponent<AIController> ().SetTransition (Transition.SawFood);
AIController aiController = fish.GetComponent<AIController> ();
if (aiController != null)
OceanManage oceanManage = aiController.oceanTransform.GetComponent<OceanManage> ();
GameObject goFish = oceanManage.FindFishFood (fish);
if (goFish != null) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance(fish.transform.position, goFish.transform.position);
if (distance < chaseDistance)
aiController.SetTransition (Transition.SawFood);
public override void Act(GameObject fish)
if ((patrolTime += Time.deltaTime) > intervalTime) {
patrolTime = 0.0f;
patrolPointID = Random.Range(1, goPatrol.gameObject.transform.childCount + 1);
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(destPos - fish.transform.position);
Quaternion rotateQuaterntion = Quaternion.identity;
rotateQuaterntion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 90.0f, 0f);
fish.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fish.transform.rotation, targetRotation * rotateQuaterntion, Time.deltaTime * curRotSpeed);
//fish.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
fish.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(fish.transform.position, destPos, Time.deltaTime * curSpeed);
Animator animComponent = fish.GetComponent<Animator>();
animComponent.CrossFade("idle", 0);
animComponent.speed = 1f;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ChaseState : FSMState
public ChaseState()
stateID = FSMStateID.Chasing;
curRotSpeed = 3.0f;
curSpeed = 2.75f;
public override void Reason(GameObject fish)
AIController aiController = fish.GetComponent<AIController> ();
OceanManage oceanManage = aiController.oceanTransform.GetComponent<OceanManage> ();
GameObject goFish = oceanManage.FindFishFood (fish);
if (goFish == null) {
aiController.SetTransition (Transition.LostFood);
public override void Act(GameObject fish)
AIController aiController = fish.GetComponent<AIController> ();
OceanManage oceanManage = aiController.oceanTransform.GetComponent<OceanManage> ();
GameObject goFish = oceanManage.FindFishFood (fish);
if (goFish != null) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance(fish.transform.position, goFish.transform.position);
if (distance < chaseDistance)
fish.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
fish.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(fish.transform.position, goFish.transform.position, Time.deltaTime * curSpeed);
Animator animComponent = fish.GetComponent<Animator>();
animComponent.CrossFade("idle", 0);
animComponent.speed = 1f;
aiController.SetTransition (Transition.LostFood);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FrightenState :FSMState
float intervalTime = 1.0f; // 间隔时间
float patrolTime = 0.0f;
GameObject goPatrol;
int patrolPointID = 2;
public FrightenState()
intervalTime = 1.5f;
stateID = FSMStateID.Frightening;
curRotSpeed = 3.0f;
curSpeed = 0.7f;
goPatrol = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PatrolPoint");
public override void Reason(GameObject fish)
if (patrolTime == 0)
patrolPointID = Random.Range(1, goPatrol.gameObject.transform.childCount + 1);
destPos = goPatrol.transform.Find(patrolPointID.ToString()).transform.position;
public override void Act(GameObject fish)
if ((patrolTime += Time.deltaTime) > intervalTime)
patrolTime = 0.0f;
AIController aiController = fish.GetComponent<AIController>();
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(destPos - fish.transform.position);
Quaternion rotateQuaterntion = Quaternion.identity;
rotateQuaterntion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 90.0f, 0f);
fish.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fish.transform.rotation, targetRotation * rotateQuaterntion, Time.deltaTime * curRotSpeed);
//fish.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
fish.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(fish.transform.position, destPos, Time.deltaTime * curSpeed );
Animator animComponent = fish.GetComponent<Animator>();
animComponent.CrossFade("idle", 0);
animComponent.speed = 2f;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DisappearState : FSMState
public DisappearState()
stateID = FSMStateID.Disappearing;
public override void Reason(GameObject fish)
public override void Act(GameObject fish)
GameObject oceanGO = GameObject.Find("Ocean");
if (oceanGO) {
OceanManage ocean = oceanGO.GetComponent<OceanManage> ();
GameObject.Destroy (fish);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ComeState : FSMState
int comeIntoPointID = 1;
GameObject goComeInto;
Hashtable pathHashtable;
float intervalTime = 1.0f; // 间隔时间
float comeintoTime = 0.0f;
// Use this for initialization
public ComeState()
stateID = FSMStateID.Coming;
goComeInto = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ComeIntoPoint");
public void SetComeIntoPath(GameObject fish)
comeIntoPointID = Random.Range(1, goComeInto.gameObject.transform.childCount + 1);
iTweenPath path = goComeInto.transform.Find (comeIntoPointID.ToString ()).GetComponent<iTweenPath>();
destPos = goComeInto.transform.Find (comeIntoPointID.ToString ()).transform.position;
fish.transform.position = path.nodes [0];
pathHashtable = new Hashtable();
pathHashtable.Add("easeType", iTween.EaseType.linear);
public override void Reason(GameObject fish)
if (comeintoTime == 0.0f)
SetComeIntoPath (fish);
if ((comeintoTime += Time.deltaTime) > intervalTime) {
comeintoTime = 0.0f;
AIController aiController = fish.GetComponent<AIController> ();
aiController.SetTransition (Transition.ComeEnd);
public override void Act(GameObject fish)
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(destPos - fish.transform.position);
Quaternion rotateQuaterntion = Quaternion.identity;
rotateQuaterntion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 90.0f, 0f);
fish.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fish.transform.rotation, targetRotation * rotateQuaterntion, Time.deltaTime * curRotSpeed);
Animator animComponent = fish.GetComponent<Animator>();
animComponent.CrossFade("idle", 0);
animComponent.speed = 2f;
这个思想 就是这样,但具体实现根据具体功能需求而定和编写。
posted on 2018-09-20 14:11
vic.MINg 阅读(803)
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