Remmarguts' Date
"Good man never makes girls wait or breaks an appointment!" said the mandarin duck father. Softly touching his little ducks' head, he told them a story.
"Prince Remmarguts lives in his kingdom UDF – United Delta of Freedom. One day their neighboring country sent them Princess Uyuw on a diplomatic mission."
"Erenow, the princess sent Remmarguts a letter, informing him that she would come to the hall and hold commercial talks with UDF if and only if the prince go and meet her via the K-th shortest path. (in fact, Uyuw does not want to come at all)"
Being interested in the trade development and such a lovely girl, Prince Remmarguts really became enamored. He needs you - the prime minister's help!
DETAILS: UDF's capital consists of N stations. The hall is numbered S, while the station numbered T denotes prince' current place. M muddy directed sideways connect some of the stations. Remmarguts' path to welcome the princess might include the same station twice or more than twice, even it is the station with number S or T. Different paths with same length will be considered disparate.
The first line contains two integer numbers N and M (1 <= N <= 1000, 0 <= M <= 100000). Stations are numbered from 1 to N. Each of the following M lines contains three integer numbers A, B and T (1 <= A, B <= N, 1 <= T <= 100). It shows that there is a directed sideway from A-th station to B-th station with time T.
The last line consists of three integer numbers S, T and K (1 <= S, T <= N, 1 <= K <= 1000).
A single line consisting of a single integer number: the length (time required) to welcome Princess Uyuw using the K-th shortest path. If K-th shortest path does not exist, you should output "-1" (without quotes) instead.
Sample Input
2 2
1 2 5
2 1 4
1 2 2
Sample Output
POJ Monthly,Zeyuan Zhu
首先看第一个策略,在A*算法中用优先队列就是要用到启发函数f(s)确定状态在优先队列里面的优先级。其实Dijkstra用到的优先队列实际上就是估价函数值为0,启发函数f(s)=g(s),即是选取到源点距离最近的点进行扩展。因为h(s)=0满足了估价函数相容这个条件。这题求k短路就不能单纯的使用h(s)=0这个估价函数。解决这道题的时候选取h(x)=dt(x), dt(x)是x节点到目标节点的最短距离。最短距离可以开始由Dijkstra直接求得。
1#include <stdio.h>
2#include <string.h>
3#include <vector>
4using namespace std;
6const int INF=1234567890;
7struct P
9 int x,len;
11int size,n,m,dist[1005],s,t,ti,out[1005];
12vector<struct P> g[1005],r[1005]; //有重边的情况
14void Insert(int v);
15struct P Del();
16void dijkstra();
17int Astar();
19int main()
21 int i,a,b,L;
22 struct P temp;
23// freopen("2449.txt","r",stdin);
24 scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
25 for(i=0; i<m; i++)
26 {
27 scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&L);
28 temp.len=L;
29 temp.x=b;
30 g[a].push_back(temp);
31 temp.len=L;
32 temp.x=a;
33 r[b].push_back(temp);
34 }
35 scanf("%d%d%d",&s,&t,&ti);
36 if(s == t) ti++;
37 printf("%d\n",Astar());
38 return 0;
40void dijkstra()
42 int i,u,min;
43 bool mark[1005]={false};
44 vector<struct P>::iterator iter;
45 for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
46 dist[i]=INF;
47 dist[t]=0;
48 while(1)
49 {
50 u=-1;
51 min=INF;
52 for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
53 {
54 if(!mark[i] && dist[i] < min)
55 {
56 min=dist[i];
57 u=i;
58 }
59 }
60 if(u == -1) break;
61 mark[u]=true;
62 for(iter=r[u].begin(); iter!=r[u].end(); iter++)
63 {
64 if(!mark[(*iter).x] && dist[(*iter).x] > dist[u]+(*iter).len)
65 dist[(*iter).x]=dist[u]+(*iter).len;
66 }
67 }
69void Insert(struct P v)
71 int i;
72 heap[size++]=v;
73 i=size-1;
74 while(i > 0)
75 {
76 if(v.len < heap[(i-1)/2].len)
77 {
78 heap[i]=heap[(i-1)/2];
79 i=(i-1)/2;
80 }
81 else
82 break;
83 }
84 heap[i]=v;
86struct P Del()
88 struct P r,temp;
89 int i=0,ic;
90 r=heap[0];
91 heap[0]=heap[--size];
92 temp=heap[0];
93 while(2*i+1 < size)
94 {
95 ic=2*i+1;
96 while(ic+1 < size && heap[ic+1].len < heap[ic].len)
97 ic++;
98 if(heap[ic].len < temp.len)
99 {
100 heap[i]=heap[ic];
101 i=ic;
102 }
103 else break;
104 }
105 heap[i]=temp;
106 return r;
108int Astar()
110 int ds;
111 struct P v,temp;
112 vector<struct P>::iterator iter;
113 size=0;
114 dijkstra();
115 v.x=s;
116 v.len=dist[s];
117 Insert(v);
118 memset(out,0,sizeof(out));
119 while(size > 0 && out[t] < ti)
120 {
121 v=Del();
122 if(out[v.x] >= ti)
123 continue;
124 out[v.x]++;
125 if(v.x == t && out[v.x] == ti)
126 {
127 return v.len;
128 }
129 for(iter=g[v.x].begin(); iter!=g[v.x].end(); iter++)
130 {
131 if(out[(*iter).x] >= ti)
132 continue;
133 ds=v.len-dist[v.x];
134 temp.len=ds+(*iter).len+dist[(*iter).x];
135 temp.x=(*iter).x;
136 Insert(temp);
137 }
138 }
139 return -1;
posted on 2008-04-20 15:25
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