I wrote this on my phiscal one box. It's really an frustrated day today!
9:30 arrive company and got the last milk (only lucky thing) and then I try to log on my dev box still using the old alies(for the last day it still worked) but found my intern account can not use any more. so I tried my Fte alies (how to spell this word? I'm not sure) and log on sucessfully. at that time I thought every thing will go through very well just like this. but unfortunately I'm totally wrong!
when I check the result full cycle I setted up last night, I found the 1 bvt case failed and I try to figure out if it failed due to my code change. and I opened the corext and try to run sd commond. okay....it throws me an exception like that user auth...failed.
Although there were a lot of alert from my coworkers who on boarding before me telling me somethings like this may happen, I also feel unacceptable.
but this is only the beginning of my whole day tragedy! after listening my coworker's advice i decided to reinstall my computer! and i made a mistake from morning to night. because usually i intalled the os i used not to format the disk. and let it keep my windows.old in c:\ and this time i found there is not enough place to keep it and the installing procedure told me the primary dist at least need have 6G free. and the most stupid thing what i have done is I'm try to uninstall some unused program through the contral panel. how stupid i am! I just need format the disc c ! when i make a big effort (not only unistall and i shift+delete scan my disk c: once) finnaly the disc c have free space to let me reinstall. and i restart the win7 install procedure and this time it told me that need 10G! at that time i just want to shout out a word 'Kao!'
at this time my direct boss come to find me to have my welcome lunch! He is a nice guy and easy going with. although my oral english is very poor, he said he can understand. really a nice boss/guy!
after lunch, steph (the business adminstrator) came to find me and give me a new machine. I appreciate this very much! acturally I really need this. so I began to set up the new one and install the os. okay the tragedy continued! In average reinstalling one time cost 2 hours!and I installed 3times! for what? I don't know it keep failing! I'm not sure if it is because I havn't format the primary disk where installed the os in. but I'm trying the third time and this time I corrected it. it is still on installing. and during the last failing 6 hours My phiscal one box have already been ready! just take less than 2 hours!
pls let my dev box can be installed sucessfully! pls!!
posted on 2010-07-27 21:14
zoyi 阅读(462)
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