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Quote of the Day:
To create you must quiet your mind. You need a quiet mind so that ideas will have a chance of connecting.
--Eric Maisil


飞信 发短信 流程
Sending SMS Flow of Fection

Scratch from youwang’s MFCFetionSDK ,


HTTP GET/POST, RFC2616,http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
CODEPAGE CONVERSION, UTF-8, UNICODE, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa914568.aspx, libiconv, Unicode
MD5 HASH, CryptoAPI:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa380252(VS.85).aspx
SOCKET, http://www.sockets.com/, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740673(VS.85).aspx
REGULAR EXPRESSION,http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/libs/regex/doc/html/index.html

1. Get system config
1.0 Send post data(UTF-8) to: https://nav.fetion.com.cn/nav/getsystemconfig.aspx
1.1 Convert post data to UTF-8 code:
<config><user mobile-no="123456789" /><client type="PC" version="2.3.0230" platform="W5.1" /><servers version="0" /><service-no version="12" /><parameters version="15" /><hints version="13" /><http-applications version="14" /><client-config version="17" /></config>
1.2 Send post data(UTF-8 encoded) to above URL, HTTP POST
1.3 Receive post result (UTF-8 format)
1.4 Convert result to Unicode: system config xml

2. Parse the system config xml
2.1 get "ssi-app-sign-in" nodes
2.2 get "sipc-proxy" nodes

3. Get fection NO.
3.1 HTTP GET, URL= "ssi-app-sign-in".value + "?mobileno=123456789&pwd=111111"
3.2 get above GET result(UTF-8 format) xml
3.3 Convert GET result xml to Unicode
3.4 Parse xml and get "user" nodes and "uri" nodes and "user-id" nodes
3.5 Get "sip:{([0-9]+)}@fetion.com.cn" using RegEx
3.6 Get the fection NO.

4.1 Init SIPC with "sipc-proxy".value
4.2 Parse the ip and port
4.3 Connect above ip and port using socket

5. Login
5.1 login xml data:
<args><device type="PC" version="6" client-version="2.3.0230" /><caps value="simple-im;im-session;temp-group" /><events value="contact;permission;system-message" /><user-info attributes="all" /><presence><basic value="400" desc="" /></presence></args>
5.2 Generate login request
Format("R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 1 R\r\nL: %d\r\n\r\n"), domain, fetionNo, login xml length)
fectionNO. from 3.6
5.3 Login data = login request + login xml
5.4 Convert to UTF-8 and send login data to SIPC using socket
5.5 Receive the response from above send using socket and convert from UTF-8 to Unicode, pause when find "\r\n\r\n", the HEADER
5.6 RegEx get matched "L: {([0-9]+)}", to parse out the buffer length
5.7 Get the left data(UTF-8) with the Length(above), convert to Unicode, the CONTENT
5.8 Above(HEADER+CONTENT) as the login response
5.9 Parse out "nonce=\"{([0-9A-Z]+)}\"" using RegEx
5.10 Calculate the NONCE
5.10.1 Get random number, convert to UTF-8 string, get MD5 Hash string in HEX, the nonceMD5
5.10.2 Format("%s:%s:%s", fectionNo, domain, pwd),  convert to UTF-8 string, get MD5 Hash string in HEX, the INFO_STRING_MD5
  fectionNO. from 3.6
5.10.3 Format(":%s:%s", nonce, nonceMD5), convert to UTF-8 string, the NONCE_STRING
  nonce from 5.9
  nonceMD5 from 5.10.1
5.10.5 Format("REGISTER:%s", fetionNo), convert to UTF-8 string, get MD5 Hash string in HEX, REG_STRING_MD5
5.10.6 Format("%s:%s:%s", LOGIN_STRING_MD5, nonce, REG_STRING_MD5), convert to UTF-8 string, get MD5 Hash string in HEX, the nonceResponse
  LOGIN_STRING_MD5 from 5.10.4
  nonce from 5.9
  REG_STRING_MD5 from 5.10.5
5.11 the second login, login xml data:
<args><device type="PC" version="6" client-version="2.3.0230" /><caps value="simple-im;im-session;temp-group" /><events value="contact;permission;system-message" /><user-info attributes="all" /><presence><basic value="400" desc="" /></presence></args>
5.12 Generate login request
Format("R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 2 R\r\nA: Digest response=\"%s\",cnonce=\"%s\"\r\nL: %d\r\n\r\n", domain, fetionNo, nonceResponse, nonceMD5, login xml length)
fectionNO. from 3.6
nonceResponse from 5.10
nonceMD5 from 5.10.1
5.13 Login data = login request + login xml
5.14 Convert to UTF-8 and send login data to SIPC using socket
5.15 Receive the response from above send using socket

6. Send SMS to target phone
6.1 Convert sms content to UTF-8 format
6.2 Format("M %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 2\r\nQ: 1 M\r\nT: tel:%s\r\nN: SendSMS\r\nL: %d\r\n\r\n", domain, fetionNo, phone, sms length)
fectionNO. from 3.6
phone: target phone number
sms length: byte count, not character count
6.3 Send login data to SIPC using socket

7. Logout
7.1 logout request data:
Format("R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1 \r\nQ: 3 R\r\nX: 0\r\n\r\n", domain, fetionNo)
7.2 Send login data to SIPC using socket

Hope it helps~


posted on 2010-01-06 13:50 子弹のVISIONS 阅读(1162) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 1.51 工具箱


# re: [存照] 飞信 发短信 流程 2010-01-07 22:36 xiao
能不能帮忙修改一个飞信协议升级后不能使用的php代码,如果可以,请联系 xiaorf#gmail.com,谢谢了  回复  更多评论

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