Factory Method
// interface
class People
virtual void doWhat() =0;
virtual string type() const =0;
class Male : public People
virtual void doWhat();
virtual string type() const;
static People* creator();
class Female : public People
virtual void doWhat();
virtual string type() const;
static People* creator();
// interface
typedef People* (*CreateFcn)();
class PeopleFactory
static People* producePeople(const string& type);
static addCreateFcn(const string& type, CreateFcn creator);
static map<string, CreateFcn> createFcns;
People* PeopleFactory::producePeople(const string& type)
CreateFcn creator= createFcns[type];
return creator();
---- test ----
void f()
const string t("Male"); //or "Female"
People* p = PeopleFactory::producePeople(t);
delete p;
---- extension ----
class Hemophrodite : public People
virtual void doWhat();
virtual string type() const;
static People* creator();
void g()
const string newType = "Hemophrodite";
PeopleFactory::addCreateFcn(newType, Hemophrodite::creator);
// usage
const string t("Hemophrodite");
People* p = PeopleFactory::producePeople(t);
delete p;
Cool!! OCP!!
Key point:
1. How does the Factory Method create the instance
of classes through their type names?
How could this method follow the OCP?
2. Where does the type name come from?
-- config file
-- registry
-- other method
3. About extension
Interface classes:
People & PeopleFactory
enjoy it!!